Be careful with prejudices!

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Greetings Brothers! I love the episodes narrated in the word of God, they contain a wonderful spiritual wealth

"Philip found Nathanael and said to him, 'We find the one Moses wrote in the law about, and the prophets, Jesus the Nazarene son of Joseph,' Nathanael asked," Can anything good come out of Nazareth? Philip answered him: Come and see "(John 1: 45-46).


Come and see was the invitation of Philip, and it is the invitation of the Lord.

What would Nathanael do if Filipe was afraid to speak or was busy with other things, and did not have time to talk to a friend about Jesus?

When Nathanael agreed to come, he had no great expectations about what he was going to see, his comment about Nazareth was one of contempt, he expected so little and found so much!

In the world we experience so many things, we do so many things, we create so many expectations and many times we get frustrated, even without thinking about the consequences, we carry out events that we regret later or even immediately, why do we resist so much? If we are going to stop to think, in the things we do day after day, they are so easy to decide, go to a party, go out with friends, ballads, fall in love, get married ... We make such decisions based on what?

On the other hand, if we are going to decide something related to the kingdom of God, we always take doubts, there is a resistance on our part, a prejudice.

With Nathanael it was not different, he was preconceptual, but Felipe did not argue, he only did what he learned with his teacher, he replied: Come and see. But if we allow ourselves to know Jesus, talk to Him, have no doubt, He has something good to say to Him about it. People often judge others, curse, but Jesus does not, He has innumerable good things to talk about you, He knows you before you are born, He knows why you created, because He was the one who created you, He calls you to manifest its essence, the essence of a worshiper. "We find the one Moses wrote about ..." This was Philip's exclamation.

In other words: You do not need to go through life without hope. Nobody needs more than to humiliate you. The suffering, the pain, the emptiness of the heart, everything, came to an end, because we found the Messiah. This is the invitation to a new experience. Going from death to life, from darkness to light, from sorrow to joy, but for that, you need to "come and see", Nathanael did not know Jesus, because he loves it? But Nathanael recognized Jesus in one conversation, because Jesus already knew him.

I invite you to come and have a conversation with Jesus, he will also recognize it, because he also knows you. It will be with you as it was with Nathanael, "he said: Master, you are the Son of God," You are the King of Israel "(John 1:49) and the promise will be repeated:" from now on you will see the open heaven, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of man. "(John 1:51). Come and see!



The answers of our Lord Jesus Christ are always very full of wisdom. Do not let prejudices be part of us. Thanks for sharing

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