TELOS IS LIVE: Here is why you should join Steemchurch on TELOS!!!!!

in #steemchurch5 years ago

Hello there,

Telos is live.png

Design - @liltom002

I'm sure you must have heard of TELOS and STEEMCHURCH TELOS VILLAGE in one way or the other and maybe you could have just waved it away but this post will help to elaborate and shade light on certain things. You might be wondering TELOS is all about and you might also be thinking it is just one of those crypto platforms. No! TELOS is more than just a crypto platform, it has real value and it has a future. Many a times, when opportunity comes, we often miss it. You know why? It is because opportunities do not always come in well-dressed suits and shoes; Opportunities do often come in rags and when it comes that way, we hastily discard it without carefully uncovering the rag to see what it covers.

TELOS is an opportunity we need to grasp and good for us, the @steemchurch is making it even more interesting. How I wish, we could see what TELOS carries then we will be running to embrace it with open arms. Some might say _'what is it current worth now?',_just like the few persons I've discussed it with. I won't blame you for asking that but what should matter to you more should not be it's worth and value presently but what it is going to worth in the near future. Take Bitcoin as a case study; when it emerged newly, many people did not pick interest in it; I know of a few persons that had the opportunity to hodl over a hundred bitcoins but they said they were not interested in stuffs like that and now, they are living in regrets cause we all know what such amount of bitcoin could do for their lives. Such persons may have considered the worth of bitcoin then and could be its value then made them lose interest. It took only those that saw beyond the present to invest in bitcoin in its early stage and now they are proud and happy they did take the risk and opportunity.

So, we discover that it is not about the NOW but it is all about the FUTURE. Whatever is sustainable is what we should always be concerned about after all Rome was not built in a day. TELOS is sustainable! TELOS has a very bright future. It will be very bad for you who heard and knew about TELOS now but failed to be a part of it, when it finally spikes up in the future. How sad you will be! Then, you will be struggling to be a part of it but it might just be too late. I hope you do not get to regret in the future.

With TELOS, you do not need to blog before getting rewards, you do not need whales to upvote your posts before earning. All you need do is sign up under the umbrella of @steemchurch and then sit back to be redeeming and claiming your rewards. How good can it get! There is nothing to lose on TELOS; All TELOS has is gain. To top it all, with TELOS, you could get to achieve your dreams and goals. What do I mean by that? Do you have any genuine project you would love to embark on but you do not have sufficient funds? With TELOS, you could fund that project of yours and it would come to materialization. All you need do is write a proposal to the TELOSFOUNDATION and depending on the value and genuineness of your project, you could get mouthwatering funds and supports to run your project and then you will be living your dreams and attaining your goals.

The Steemchurch has enough blessings and TELOS rewards in store for as many as are willing to join platform. It would not be difficult for the steemchurch to keep or share the blessings among its members alone. No, that will definitely be an easy task. But there is something you should know, steemchurch was founded on love and as such, has humanity at heart and that is why it is always poised on changing and affecting lives in the positive. It was founded for the sole purpose of assisting and helping people; so you see, it is more than just a virtual community. Steemchurch is real! So, do not think and feel you are doing someone else a favour by joining TELOS rather, you are doing yourself a lasting good favour.

Moments ago, while discussing TELOS with our Leader, he made a comment that intrigued me. He said that whatever I'm seeing and enjoying now on TELOS is just 1%, that there is an untouched 99%. If 1% is as amazing as this, how much more when we get to the 100%? You'll agree with me that it's gonna be super-duper! Let me not bore you with more words but let me reiterate that we should endeavour to not miss this opportunity and we may end up regretting in the near future. Grasp this TELOS opportunity now, after all you have nothing to lose! Do not place your argument on the current value and worth of TLOS coin but rather consider its future turn out. Every sustainable thing takes a considerable process and time and it is only those who have patience that gets to eat the fattest part of the bone. Think about it!

Now for you who would love to join the Steemchurch on TELOS, here is what you should know and do. Getting on-boarded on TELOS could be a little daunting and that's where the Steemchurch comes into play. Steemchurch out of generousity bridges the gap between you and the TELOS blockchain such that you can access TELOS with ease. All you need do is to FILL THIS FORM correctly and submit (You will need to use 'Tomlee.jc' as your referrer). Steemchurch helps you create your account based on the provided details and then mails you with your account details - you can proceed to log in afterwards. There are processes to follow; the guides will come as well in the mail. When this is done, all you have to do is sit back and redeem your rewards. Isn't it lovely?

Make It A Choice To Have A Great Day!!!


This is a great write up bro Tom. Telos all the way

There are still many Beatitude Hearts to be distributed. Invite your family and friends to be partakers of this blessing



Pleasure is mine!

Thank you liltom002...this is really beautiful work, telos church is here to stay!

Thanks for the compliment

Thanks brother @Liltom002 for this awesome and detailed write about Telos.

God bless you!

Amen. Thanks for the compliments!

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