in #steemchurch6 years ago


There are many things in this life seeking our fancy, energy and passion. There also exist many things that tends to distract the believer but we are implored to desire God’s word as the only ingredient for growth. Anyone who wants to make it far in Christianity must (as a matter of necessity) desire the word (Eccl. 8:4).


  1. The word is the medicine for our health and vitality (Proverbs 4:20-22). Everything needed for sound health are all in the word of God (Psalms 119:105; 130).

  2. The word of God is spirit and life (John 6:63). The word is capable of producing whatever we desire.

  3. The word is fire and hammer (Jeremiah 23:29). It can burn and break down any evil and problems. It is a sure weapon.

Anything done without the using the word is just manual labour and futile exercise. A man who lives on the word can never live in sin because the word exhorts one out of iniquity.
You cannot manifest grace beyond the level of your word; if you do, then it is not the real grace from God. Your stand on the word helps you test your spirit – without the word of God, you cannot know the truth from false teaching.


• Read the word (Revelation 1:13). When you come to the church, you should open and read the Bible when mentioned (Neh. 8:1).

• Receive God’s word (Mark 4:20). Lay aside all issues of life and receive the word of God. When the word comes, do not be absent-minded and distracted – there are things that should be laid aside in order to receive the word of God.

• Write the word (Exodus 17:14; Deut. 10:2; Isaiah 8:1; 30:8; Joshua 1:8). After writing the word, sit on the word. Confess the word.

• Sow into the word (Genesis 18:1-10). Never receive a word that is working for you without sowing into it.

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