Physical bread isn't enough

in #steemchurch7 years ago (edited)

physical Bread isn't Good Enough


"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life. I am that bread of life. Your fathers ate manna in the wild, and are dead. This is the bread which comes from heaven, that a man may eat thereof, and have eternal life. I am the living bread which descended from heaven: if any man eats of this bread, he might live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my body, which I will give for the life of the world." (John 6:47-51)

Toward the start of this section in John, we discover that Jesus was feeding a large number of people. This huge number of individuals had taken after Jesus since they saw the greater part of the supernatural occurrences that He had been doing. He had been healing the unwell wherever he went. After a while, this gathering of individuals was getting hungry. Jesus asks Philip where they could purchase bread, in spite of the fact that Jesus as of now had an arrangement about what He was going to do. While they were talking, Peter's sibling, Andrew, said that there was a young man who had brought his lunch of five chunks of bread and two little fish. Jesus advised the followers to sit the men down. When they sat them down there were around five thousand men. Jesus takes the rolls of bread, offers gratitude and conveys it out to the disciples to provide for the men. Afterward, when all were full, they got together the remains and topped off twelve baskets. Jesus left the place and went to Capernaum. The general population, at last, understand that Jesus and his disciples have left. They get in their boats and go to Capernaum and discover Him there. Jesus turns and says to the huge number:

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, you were looking for me , not on the grounds that you saw the miracles and wonders, but rather because you ate a bread and was filled." (John 6:26)

Jesus was telling this huge number that they were looking for Him for the wrong reasons and at last, for the wrong bread. He at that point discloses to them that He is the bread of Life. And when you eat of that Bread you will never hunger again.


Jesus is the Bread that the world needs. He is the Bread that the congregation needs. Anytime something besides Jesus is lectured from our platforms, the individuals who are hearing are being fed and, at times, even filled, with the wrong things. However, this filling is brief and will, in the long run, leave them empty and hungry again. If somebody lectures their own plans or feelings, they will end up Spiritually starving the gathering and, therefore, they will be dead spiritually. Paul lets us know:

"...which is Christ in you, the expectation of glory: Whom we preach..." (Colossians 1:27-28)

Paul was asking us to talk about Jesus when we preach. When we instruct, show Jesus. When we give Bible examinations have Jesus as the focal point of the study. When we visit the elderly they should see Jesus in us. Everyone that we interact with should see Jesus. What he was stating is that in all that we do and wherever we go, we should leave a trail of Bread pieces!


"He saith to him..., Simon, child of Jonas, do you love me? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; you know that I love and adore you. He said unto him, Feed my sheep." (John 21:16)

We are feeding the sheep. But what are we giving them? Is it our own bread? Is it bread that will keep them full only for a little while? Or is it the Bread that will give them everlasting life? Is it the living Bread? The large number ate bread on that day yet they wound up hungry again the following day. Jesus even disclosed to them that their fathers ate bread in the wild and now they are dead (John 6:49). They are dead since they didn't eat that which I offer now Bread. They didn't pass on because of hunger, They did because the bread they ate was physical bread. It wasn't the Bread of Life (John 6:48). It wasn't the Bread of Heaven,right now The sheep are eager to eat and they require Bread. They require Jesus.
if the issues with the world were simply Breadcrumbs he would have sent us a baker with bakery, If the problems we face were monetary He would have sent a banker. But the world was lost and needed a savior, so He sent a Savior. but now We were hungry so He sent us Bread. And His Bread doesn't have an expiration date, it can keep us unfinished eternally.


Jesus was telling this huge number that they were looking for Him for the wrong reasons and at last, for the wrong bread. He at that point discloses to them that He is the bread of Life. And when you eat of that Bread you will never hunger again.

Well said; there is so many lessons to be learned from the sermon and doctrine of jesus.... thanks for sharing this post with the @steemchurch

Upvoted and resteem

lenawrite excellent educative post you have written i am sure you would get reward for explaining 😊 May God bless you

Jesus is the eternal bread of life for whosoever eat of him shall not hunger for eternity.
This however tend to show that we must bask in things of God, spiritual things fill the mind and soul.

The bread of life which is the body of Christ is very important to every believer, because it helps us spiritually. That is why some churches today take holy communion in their churches, it is more like renewing your heart and soul to God.

Wounderful post my friend, well taught.... thanks for sharing

The Lord said he who have the have him have the bread of life and will never go hungry.all what we need is to open our heart and love him. Thanks @lenawrite

Ithe bread was beyond the bread we eat every day it was a salvation offered on a platter of gold but was rejected because we see it canaly we only wanted that which fills the stomach temporarily instead of that whicj fills the spirit permanently.

We shouldn't dwell on what we eat. But dwell with the spiritual food we eat. The scripture fills us up and more of such bread is more than enough.

Indeed physical bread isn't enough, because you will still hunger for more after eating it.
But the spiritual bread satisfies a person forever

When Jesus said:

I am the "bread of life" He wasn't talking about physical bread.

He was talking about THE WORD.

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