in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)


Hello Friends, first of all I thank God for allowing the creation of this wonderful platform that allows expressing, from the most innovative publications, to the most meticulous concern. Precisely, today I express my concern about what my eyes are seeing daily in my country. Inflation is beating the spirit of each Venezuelan, dragging us to the deepest of despair. While the government and the opposition can not reach an agreement, children in the streets are hoping that someone will put a bite of food in their stomachs. How many tears! How much suffering! How painful!


However, this is just a brushstroke of this terrifying picture. Mention that the minimum wage is not enough for a day of healthy food, lack of medicine, patients with diseases with commitment, the emigration of youth abroad that leave their mothers with uncertainty and anguish, are symptoms of something very bad. I am too young to intellectually break down the facts of the past, I only look at the present and wonder like a famous singer: "where are we going to stop?".


As a Young Christian, I just want to think with faith, that everything will improve. There is only one desire in my heart, from the deepest part of my being, today I ask that wherever you are in the world, if you believe in God, look to heaven and make a brief prayer for my Nation. I believe that, God hears the prayer of a humble heart that cares for the pain of others.

Thank you for reading these short lines, drawn from my own handwriting, from my heart. No more tears, except those that are of Happiness.

You, then, will pray like this: Our Father who is in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come Thy will be done, as in heaven, so also on earth. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil; for yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
Matthew 6: 9-13

Final Greetings:

My respect and admiration for the Lord @sirknight, leader of @steemchurch, generous man and freedom fighter. Creator of @sc-v (steemchurch Venezuela) Also my admiration For Mr. Terry, @surpassinggogle, who is a kind and kind man, who gives away tears of happiness every day. (@teardrops) Also my admiration For a woman who is working to build a better country, I have recently followed her and observed her projects. She is @darlenys01. and to all who love my country, God bless you.



Beautiful message @ Kristal01 .. I can hear your words and it is like God awakening hearts to prayer and supplication. God bless you and thank you for sharing this publication bravely. Also my admiration For the Leaders that you mentioned!

Thank you for sharing @kristal01, but as you said no more tears, hands on the plow, to work, we are going to restore homes, promote education, promote values and most importantly, we love and carry the message of salvation, do not fear, says Mr. because the darkest is the nearest night is the dawn.


I join the cause and pray for Venezuela, land of grace. cute message @Kristal01. I know how difficult my country is but I trust in God.

May God continue to uphold His nation and make His peace to reign while meeting the needs of His people.

Actually, if our nation is full of difficulties in the face of the great economic and humanitarian crisis, but God and the angels that has put is our path with @sirknight and our apostle @ darlenys01 are a great encouragement

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