Hope is like breath ...

in #steemchurch5 years ago


Hello, I hope that my dear friends and brothers are in blessings and that the peace of my beloved Jesus is with you.

Hope keeps us alive. He who has no hope does not live because he does not dream, because one way is tied to the other. He who has no hope does not glimpse the future while intensely living the present. Very sad is the heart of an unbeliever without hope in his future.

Hope is not associated with what we can do, but is in the security and expectation of a divine intervention in each situation, in addition to understanding that the Eternal always has control of all things in his hands, as the psalmist once declared:

"Why are you so sad, oh my soul? Why do you torment my being? Put your hope in God! Because I will still praise him to save his presence, my God" (42.11).

Here the psalmist asks the Lord for an understanding as to his adversities, but discovers that he had no reason to fall and complain, because the Spirit of the Lord walked with him, controlling all circumstances so that they would produce a truly wise and grateful heart and contribute to their eternal good. For what is also with us, the Holy Spirit is in us, in everything except Jesus, so nothing is out of control or is lost. I believed, have hope.

Hope and faith ...

The Christian knows that his hope is in God and that he is faithful to fulfill all that they promised, as he has declared to the Hebrews:

"Undoubtedly, unshakable keep the profession of our hope, because who made the promise is faithful" (10:23).

There is no way to dissociate faith from hope, since "to approach God with a sincere heart and with the absolute guarantee of faith ..." (Hebrews 10:22), because without faith it is impossible to please God ( Hebrews 11.6), and our hope is her.

Because He, the Eternal, has thoughts of peace about us:
"Because I know the plans that I have determined in their regard, declares the Lord, plans to make it prosper and not to cause them pain and harm, plans to give them, hope for a better future" (Jeremiah 29:11). He is good and as a Father of Love knows what is best for each one of us.


Eternity is the Christian's hope ...

When Jesus was born, the plan of redemption was made and hope for humanity gained face and form. That hope that lives is, Jesus is the hope, and that it will last forever for all those who receive it.

When writing the letter for the seven apostolic churches of the period in the letter of the Apocalypse, the last of the New Testament of the Holy Scriptures, Jesus through the apostle John, always ends up talking about a reward / reward that goes beyond that world, He It is guaranteeing eternity to "winners - those who do not bend the global system". Heaven is for real and we are towards him, in Jesus, through his total and strong surrender that hope is possible: "He thus proceeded so that, justified by his grace, we would become his heirs, having the hope of eternal life "(Titus 3,7).

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