What Should Be My Number One Passion In This World?

in #steemchurch6 years ago

As I grew up, right from the time when I was just a little boy, I used to ask myself the question, “What should be my number one passion in this world?”

This was an important question for me, because I seemed to lack real satisfaction in whatever I did.

I struggled with this question for a long time, even when I became an adult. Whenever I thought of my passions or my potential passions, so many of them would come into my mind and I could not even arrange them in order of priority.

So many adults could be struggling with the same problem. They just cannot identify that which would make their lives glorious. So many are living lives devoid of passion, uninteresting lives, lives that are separated from the fire of life.

What, in your view, should be your number one passion or preoccupation in this world? Remember, before you identify your fire, your life will simply be a burden.

I thank God today because I have managed to rationalise my passions to one or two. Not only that, but I have also managed to convince myself of my number one passion, my top priority or preoccupation. What’s striking is the fact that the passion is not something that I had ever dreamt could qualify as one, yet through it I have discovered my reason for living, my reason for existence.

With each passing day I am becoming more and more convinced that I ought to have awakened to this realisation sooner. I am always reminded of the importance of this passion just by looking at developments around me.

If one does not have something they would die for, something for which they are prepared to make a sacrifice, then they are not really living, but drifting, like objects do.

There is need for us to always be subjects in the environments in which we live and operate, not objects. We need to be beams of light that illuminate others even when all that others see is darkness. Our environments should feel our impact. Your environment should feel you.

If your environment does not feel you, it means that there is something that you are not doing for it; you stand accused of the error of omission. When you die, your environment will never notice your absence because it never noticed your presence in the first place. But if you are filled with positive activity, at the time of your death your environment will say, “There goes somebody who left us their majestic footprints.”

So what’s my passion? What’s my top priority? What’s my preoccupation? What do I or should I dedicate my life to?

I have seriously thought about this - my number one priority. I am convinced that there could never be anything better, at least for me. I do not think that there could be something more useful, and my confidence regarding the truth of this continues to rise.

Every time I ask myself what my number one passion ought to be, one word comes to my mind. The word is “people”. Each time I repeat the question the answer comes to me louder – “PEOPLE!”

I have managed to narrow my passions into just one - people. It is people from the beginning to the end. My life is not only about me; it is also about people, so should yours. I am not living for just me; I am also living for others. I learnt this from my Master. People, people and people. How wonderful!

Jesus Christ’s mission was all about people. When they asked Him why he had come, Jesus answered, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” [John 10:10 NIV].

Oh how I love this kind of talk! They, they and they. I just love the “they” language! I think that we have spoken the “I” language far too long that we now need to minimize its use. Somebody once declared that a person needs to knock down their “I" and "me" if they desire to live a truly valuable life.

If there is one thing that has killed us as a people, if there is one thing that has impeded our development (both social and economic) in this world, if there is one thing that has driven happiness from our lives and brought untold suffering, it is the “I” mentality, reinforced by the “I” language.

Just consider for a while what kind of world this would be if you cared about the life of the next person to the same extent that you care about your own life.

Now consider what would happen if suddenly everybody in the world cared more about the next person than themselves. We indisputably would be a wonderful people, a great world of great nations!

Here is what Paul taught at some point: "Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others." [Philippians 2:4].

Oh how I love the Word of God! We hit our heads on the wall each time we ignore the lessons of life that the Word of God delivers to us. We could solve all our problems in an excellent manner if we stuck to the will of the Father. The above verse has, on its own, immense potential to transform this world into a place remarkable.

Just take a moment to reflect on this. If everybody abided by the teaching given in the verse above:
-Would there be wars?
-Would there be violence?
-Would there be hatred?
-Would there be rape?
-Would there be theft/robbery?
-Would there be murder?
-Would there be drug peddling?
-Would there be human trafficking or slavery?
-Would there be street kids?
-Would there be failed marriages?
-Would there be oppression?
-Would there be jealousy?
-Would there be anger?
-Would there be revenge?
-Would there be corruption?
-Would there be backbiting?
-Would there be grudges?
-Would there be….?

No. There wouldn't be!

Envision a world in which everyone first considers how the activity or inaction that they intend to take would influence the following individual and continue just when they are sure that the activity or inaction would either not influence the following individual or would just influence them decidedly!

Do you consider such contemplations in the direct of your issues?

Does it ever enter your thoughts that every one of your activities and expectations should be respectable? Do you ever long for a decent notoriety before God and man?

Your responses to these inquiries would uncover the sort of individual you are. I disclose to you today that there are numerous individuals in our middle who never again have names to discuss. They have ruined themselves to colossal extents. They are 'discounted' individuals. It's deplorable!

I trust everyone needs some tranquil time… an opportunity to reflect. You require space to consider the issues of life. You could be occupied about something, and that thing could be taking your whole concentration, that you can barely consider whatever else. For instance, there are individuals who are so overpowered by their professions/employments that all they consider each second of their lives is their vocations… nothing else.

Some work twenty-four hours every day. I sincerely trust that there is something unpleasantly amiss with anyone who is "all profession or all activity". There is an extraordinary peril of one missing the genuine article in the event that they don't discover time to take stock. A profession is something everyone needs, except is it 'the' thing?

So I have decided. I will put individuals first… to feel for them, to work for them, to help them, to give them thoughts, to dependably look for the best for them in the way pragmatic. In my objectives, in my plans, in my techniques, in my exercises, I will dependably make it a point not to miss the general population measurement, on the grounds that in the event that I do I will miss the fulfillment that I ought to get from this.

On the off chance that you take after my written work works, you will discover the general population measurement extremely solid in every one of them.

You will discover lessons that could develop individuals and influence them to stand tall in the public eye. You will find my position with respect to life by and large. You will see that every one of my works are about individuals… to enhance their lives.

You won't not have understood this, but rather what you are perusing at the present time is a "people" sermon. What might happen if everyone who read this sermon acknowledged it?

Is it true that you are a social butterfly? In the event that you glance around, do you see other individuals or do you see just yourself?

What dialect would you say you are enamored with; the "I" or the "they" dialect?

If you somehow managed to assess your life up to now, do you think you have behaved to your best in such manner?

These and comparable inquiries ought to dependably practice your brain.

I used to imagine that life was confounding. I have now understood that life is delightful… however just on the off chance that you recognize what to think about imperative and what to think about waste.

Be exceptionally propelled!

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