in #steemchurch6 years ago

Very animated and moved by the campaign started for this end of the year by our beloved Apostle Darlenys and @sc-v, today I want to talk a little about how we can illuminate the lives of others.


"For thus the Lord has commanded us, saying, I have set you for the light of the Gentiles, that you may be for salvation to the ends of the earth."

Acts 13:47

You and I are children of God and as such we must think, act and speak like Him, we must transmit the love of God to others, that in our lives be reflected that light that God has placed on us, because we are his chosen ones, we are his calls to preach the good news of salvation to everyone who needs it because we know that there is a need around us, we know that we are inside a world that is in crisis that no longer supports so much evil, that lives in darkness without finding a response and an exit to their problems, that need a word of encouragement, it is necessary that we be light in the middle of this world that is trapped under the darkness of Satan.

Because the harvest is great and the workers are few, but God wants our generation to be different, to be a generation of changes, to transcend, to want young people like you to tell others about their love, their kindness, their mercy, you can not remain silent before the good things that God has done in your life and what he will do in your life, it is time for you to go and tell the young people around you that there is hope, that with Christ the life, that with Christ is the victory, that with Christ there is happiness, that in Christ is the light that they are looking for to light their way, that Christ is the way out, that in Christ there is peace.

God does not want you to sit idly by and sit idly by, he wants you to leave your comfort, he wants young warriors willing to fight against the hosts of evil, he wants young brave men, do not give up, for he has put to be a blessing, there should be no fear in you because God is with you, he supports you.

What are you waiting for!! Get up! Let the Lord use you in a great way, because He has placed you on this earth to be a blessing, the light of Jesus is on you, do not hide it, it is no longer possible for you to remain asleep, it is no longer possible for you to Keep hiding, God does not want you to have that attitude because He has sent you and if He has sent you He will train you and will put at your disposal the tools you need.


Thanks for this message @kenaliz85. We must be the light that enlightens the life of others, that people can see in us the light of Jesus, I will never tire of proclaiming the love of Christ. Let us shine that light in every place and before any need.

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