Living Sword Devotionals: 30th September, 2019

in #steemchurch5 years ago


Saul and Barnabas(5):A Vessel Found
Text: Acts 11:26
And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.

Barnabas went to Tarsus to pick Saul and brought him to Antioch. Saul has shown visible evidence of spiritual maturity. When called upon to walk in the path of the word that was given at his conversions he wasn't found to be lagging behind. He was ready. Barnabas proved to be a very important brother in the life of Saul, helping him to fulfill the purpose of God for his life. Barnabas was quick to forget Saul as a blasphemer and a persecutor. He was quick to forget the atrocities committed by Saul against the Body of Christ. Rather, he saw in Saul a vessel for the Lord.

How many of us today would rather want to distant ourselves from believers like Saul in order to attract people to our gatherings?
We would be people-conscious and lose the vessels that the Lord wants to give platforms for true service. We all need brothers like Barnabas that are ready to overlook our past and help give us platforms for service. Saul, a vessel found and given to the Body by Barnabas.

Thanks for Reading God's Word Today

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