we have to be warriors of god | STEEMCHURCH

in #steemchurch7 years ago

In this life, we have to be the greatest warriors of God, like our leader @sirknight, this world really becomes pure evil. We have the mission to take the word of God to all corners of the world and illuminate the path of the needy. thanks @steemchurch for that wonderful goal.

Initially, the real concept of Warrior of God is totally spiritual, an extremely important consideration.

It is also very common for people to refer as "warriors" to others who have managed to get ahead in very difficult situations or complicated.

I think it is very important that we include basic concepts that must necessarily be known and dominated dialectically so that at the time this material also serves to guide other people along the right path.

God Warrior


I will begin with one of the descriptions that comes closest to what God has indicated, and that spirit is the intangible energy to the human senses that orients or motivates us to act in harmony with higher purposes that our natural reasoning does not understand. This energy is present in the whole Universe, this omnipresent spirit is only manifest God, hence everything that exists and depends on this same energy, depends on God and his Divine Plan. In my concept this is one of the most beautiful revelations that God has given us to give to the people who are trained with us.

We must understand that absolutely everything depends on God to exist, from the smallest piece of some unknown material distant millions of light years, to the girl or boy who is just being born at this moment, we are all conformed by the same energy that God is with each and every one of its Divine characteristics where the absolute control of the energetic movement corresponds exclusively to God.

The spirituality of a Warrior of God.

Spirituality is the purest conviction of an individual of his total and absolute dependence on God to exist. A person who does not believe in God is definitely not spiritual, a person who attends daily religious services to be noticed, even offering very colorful financial donations only with the intention of gaining prestige, is not spiritual either.

A person who sincerely recognizes at every moment, that his existence and the facts and situations presented to him minute by minute are by the exclusive and absolute Will of God, that person is spiritual without a doubt because he knows and recognizes the real meaning of the spirituality.

spirituality is defined as the only thing that allows us to transcend our own ego and achieve the ability to understand that more power is needed than we could have to direct our will, where definitely the power that is mentioned is that of God.

These concepts will allow us to easily recognize what kind of information is actually spiritual and what is pure fantasy or spiritualism. All that information about special activities that is designated as spiritual without manifesting openly or expressly a total dependence on God or His Will is not spiritual.

There are people who believe and others who do not believe

At this point a situation arises that makes a difference between two types of people, those who understand without difficulty the spiritual questions and those who without thinking very much immediately think that all this kind of intangible data is madness. Bluntly, people who have no ability to understand the spiritual issues is because they have not been provided with a soul, unlike those who understand without any problem everything related to spirituality and even if it seems redundant, to God Unique and True.

The fact that a person possesses a soul depends totally on the Divine Grace of God. Not all human beings are children of God, nor are we all possessors of a soul. Whoever ignores this, unfortunately is not well informed.

So far it must be well understood that everything that uses the concept of Warrior of God, in one way or another must also refer to the concepts outlined above to be completely sure of the legitimacy of the intentions of that source.

My thinking

Fortunately, I can prove irrefutably in any place and at any time my designation as an authentic Spiritual Guide appointed by the One and True God. And fortunately remarked because through history are a lot of people who are called spiritual guides and the only thing that is dedicated in reality is to fanatize people away from God completely. Some even strive to focus attention on themselves by saying they possess great gifts and paranormal abilities, becoming religious or sectarian gurus talking about God and transmitting "divine messages", when God does not actually operate or manifest in those ways.

In my particular case, the missions entrusted to me are those of accompaniment during the journey that must be done so that the interested party is at the moment indicated by God with God himself, on a path that I have traveled back and forth many times; and the training and training of all those people chosen by God to be their legitimate and faithful Warriors.

The requirements to be a Warrior of God

  • God's will.:

In summary, this will always be the main cause for a person to become a legitimate Warrior of God. There are times when some people arrive motivated by other people who have already experienced some process of conscientiotherapy but without a clear awareness of the objective. Sometimes it is by simple curiosity, in other cases by different interests, but finally God himself indicates his mission.

  • The intention.:

Many of the people who arrive, manifest to feel internally a force or a call to carry out the process indicated for them that will allow the initial conditions for the real conversion. While not all people who are chosen by God to become legitimate Warriors of God clearly feel the intention to be God, many others have the intention to improve as people. Others comment that they felt motivated to eliminate or change some characteristics of their personality that were causing problems in their daily lives and this is one of the objectives of the processes of the important thing of the intention is that it will always be focused on being better person, never for confusing or incorrect reasons like getting power, money, prestige or sex.

  • The soul.:

At this point I must repeat that not all human beings are children of God, nor do they all have a soul. Of course, most people are born with a totally rational mind unable to fully understand the spiritual issues, even worse, for the rational mind everything that has to do with the spiritual is considered as madness. When a person becomes a child of God, his rational mind is also transformed, resulting in a soul fully capable of understanding everything that has to do with spiritual matters. It is very important to understand that only by Grace of God can a person have a soul.

  • The conscious communication with God.:

beautifully begins to build a solid relationship between the newly-converted Guerrero and his Supreme Commander, One and True God through a dialogue in both directions. This spiritual dialogue is better known as prayer, which represents the most powerful weapon to defeat spiritual enemies. God in his infinite benevolence, wisdom and love for his children, will prepare his legitimate warrior to understand his role in a context known as Spiritual Warfare.

Isaiah 42:13
GOD will go out as a warrior, as a man of war he will awaken his zeal; he will scream, yes, he will send a war cry, against his enemies he will prevail.

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