WHY SHOULD YOU EVER PRAY? : what does prayer do?

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)


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Prayer gets many things done . One is that it sets in motion the supply chain. Now, when God wants to manifest any of his blessings in a life. He employs a chain of means and men to accomplish it. This is what we can rightly call the supply chain. To bring Cornelius to the point of salvation, we can see the role of the angel who spoke to him.


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Next, we have to count Peter who who made known the way of salvation to Cornelius and his household. Even the servants who went to Joppa to call peter cannot be discounted.
The central lesson for today is that the entire supply chain was ignited through the Prayer of Cornelius.It was as he prayed that he saw the vision of angels, from that moment he received salvation. Earlier on acts 9 as Saul prayed he also ignited the supply chain. God told ananais to go and locate him in a street called STRAIGHT


Not only must we pray to ignite the supply chain, but also we must keep praying until delivery point. Human beings who are often involved in God's supply chain are not always prompt in obeying God. Our continued efforts in prayer will help to knock down every wall of resistance . Keep on praying, help is on the way!
There have been some instances in the bible where Prayer have rescued people.
Prayer indeed is a key to success and liberation!
Matthew 26:39 (ESV)

“And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed, saying, ‘My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.'”
This is a prayer of Jesus Christ. While he was on the earth, Jesus set the example of how we should always talk to God by saying prayers himself. This particular prayer was done in the garden of Gethsemane, the night that he was betrayed by judas and arrested. He knew what was going to happen, of course. In this prayer, Jesus pleads with his Father to avoid the torture and death that he knew awaited him on earth. But Jesus knew that there wasn’t a way to avoid what was coming to him, no matter how much he dreaded it so much. And so he ended his prayer with a statement of complete obedience to God almighty *: “…not as I will, but as you will.”*

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This is the part of the prayer that God answered, because it was the only part that He could answer.
God will not ever do things contrary to His nature, contrary to His laws, or contrary to love.
In all of these examples, the prayers did not defy God’s nature or His laws at all. God always wants to answer our prayers to our satisfaction, but if we pray against His will for our lives, then it might appear that our prayers go unanswered. DO YOU GET?


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Jesus expressed his desires to God, but because he knew what was at really at stake, his ultimate desire was to do what God wanted him to do.


Over the years, I've discovered from intensive Scripture reading and experience that God loves to answer our prayers well.
Well Here are
3 of his most frequent answers

1. The "No, I love you too much." -ANSWER


The Lord of the universe isn't under obligation to say "yes" to every prayer. That's a good thing, considering some of the things we request!
but believe me, he loves to say "yes!"



2. God says ‘no’ (to one request, ‘yes’ to another)
I think I have learnt more in my own life from the times when my prayers have not seemed to be answered than from the times when they have been answered with a ‘Yes’. Certainly the disciples must have learnt a huge amount from this ‘unanswered’ prayer.

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Lord, thank you that even when you don’t appear to answer our prayers on time, it is also out of compassion. Thank you for the lessons that we learn from ‘unanswered’ prayer. Thank you that you showed us what true greatness is all about, lord. Help us to devote our lives to your service always and to the service of others.


3. God says ‘wait’

Do you realise that, whatever difficulties you are facing, right now Jesus is praying for you?
Lord, thank you so much that you promise to be our advocate. Thank you that in the times when, like Job or Peter, it seems that Satan is sifting us like wheat, you are praying for us thoroughly.

Thank you that we know that even if it seems like we are having to wait for long, the answer to our advocate in heaven’s prayer will always eventually be ‘Yes’.


It is a rare privilege to communicate with the highest person in the universe. Prayer makes that possible. We can easily cry out to God for help too.

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Prayer is the only thing that can change everything .
serving the lord should always be Our major aim in life despite what the enemy will be doing or saying around us
Our lord is very powerful , he does everything according to his wish and he never take control from any man .
He is able to conquar all you iniquities and give you an evalastimg peace.
our lives should be directed towards proclaiming and doing things with all hearts and minds.
When you accept christ in your life you have already made a decision of being with him and working for him.
What you actually do tells us what the lord will definiatelly do for you , the lord has made a clear way and prepare the perfect way for us .

Jesus indeed is ever interceding for us at the side of God almighty!
His everlasting love for us makes him to pray for us despite all sins we may have commited. This is also prove that, indeed, God is love. Thanks for sharing.

Prayer is the key to all our problems, we must create intimacy with God and speak with him through prayer

Prayer connects you to God!

Pray to build a good relationship with your Father!

Well said, prayer links us up with our father in heaven!

This is beautiful, thank you!
I am not religious anymore since I love and embrace something form all religions, but I do pray to God and often... thank you for sharing this!

Try very well to always pray to God almighty!
He is ever ready to help you, y'know?

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Great post. thanks for sharing

Its a pleasure!

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