orphan but not helpless.

in #steemchurch6 years ago

We know that an orphan is a person who is left alone because none of their parents lives and in the process of growth and development is alone or accompanied by people who are not their parents. It is common to think that an orphan is unprotected, helpless and is a vulnerable, fragile and weak person. But in this story that we began to read today and that opens the doors to us to know the origins of the woman who would later be the queen of Persia and save the destruction of the Jewish people, we see that being an orphan was not an impediment or obstacle for the plans of God.

Yes, we are reading it, the woman who later became the wife of Ahasuerus, the king of Persia and Media and, therefore, queen, is the one who would intervene and save the Jewish people. She was an orphan but, despite her condition, she was never alone. His cousin Mordecai took charge of his care, a man who had suffered exile from Jerusalem to Babylon and had remained in captivity but who adopted her as his daughter when his parents died.

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There are several concepts in this text that we must rescue and that tell us about God's love, care and plan. There is talk of orphanage and adoption. As an orphan, Esther was probably a fragile, weak, delicate young girl who could feel an emptiness or loneliness due to the absence of her parents. But God, who plans everything perfectly, had destined Mordecai for the care of this girl of beautiful figure and good looks who would later fulfill a purpose in the Lord's divine plans by redeeming the people of Israel, becoming queen of Persia.

I am thrilled to read verses that confront human conception and perception. They seem to contradict the unjust and sinful mentality of man. Throughout history, an orphan has always been seen with pity and sorrow because he is helpless but God tells us, repeatedly, that he will do something big at the least; He tells us that in weakness we will see his power and his glory. The Bible says that more are the children of the helpless than those of the married woman and this shows us the infinite mercy of God.

And even if your principle has been small,
Your last state will be very big.
Job 7: 8

And he said to me: My grace is enough for you; because my power is perfected in weakness.
2 Corinthians 12: 9

For more are the children of the forsaken than those of the married woman, says the Lord.
Isaiah 54: 1

For him there is no pity, there is mercy. The same one that saved and redeemed us because we were once orphans too, we were exiled from the presence of God and we were weak, fragile, susceptible and vulnerable, but today, thanks to Jesus Christ, we have been adopted and considered children of God.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who blessed us with all spiritual blessings in the heavenly places in Christ, as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, so that we would be holy and without blemish before him, in love having predestined us to be adopted his children through Jesus Christ, according to the pure affection of his will.
Ephesians 1: 3-5

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Being an orphan and humble woman, Esther was part of God's plan and, in that same way, the Lord has a plan and a calling for you and me in His work. Perhaps not to conquer nations but to represent and be ambassadors of His kingdom, practicing, as Queen Esther did, kindness and mercy with others.

In James 1:27, we are told about true religion, about authentic spirituality. And we are told that it consists in visiting the widows and orphans in their afflictions and keeping us unspotted from the world. Is not the purpose clear? Esther did the same, put into practice the true religion and helped the orphans and the homeless of the Jewish people, being an orphan too.

That the attitude of Mordecai with his cousin, of sacrifice and effort to help her, protect her, advise her in the absence of her parents, move us to mercy and serve to help the orphans and homeless because we were also but today, thanks to mercy of God we have been rescued and protected by his love and grace.

Let's check if in our attitude we are applying true spirituality or we just read the bible, go to church and tithe. God wants us to love authentically, despite everything, that we visit the sick, the homeless, the widows and orphans. There are many orphans around you even if they have parents. They are orphans of God. Be the instrument that brings you closer to the Lord's kingdom and allows you to have life and be free from orphanhood.

the peace of God dwell in each heart.

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