Following Jesus will not be easy, nor will it be impossible!

in #steemchurch5 years ago

And calling out to the multitude with his disciples, he said to them: If anyone wants to come after me, deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.

Because anyone who wants to save his life will lose it, but anyone who loses his life for love of me and the Gospel, will save it.

Why will it profit man to win the whole world and lose his soul? Gospel of Mark 8: 34-35-36.

Following Jesus is not an easy task.


Friends, the Romans, the public that listened to the Apostle Mark, knew what it meant to carry a cross. Death through the cross was a form of execution used by the Empire to execute the most reductible criminals. The prisoners took the wood to the place of execution, (that means: submission to the power of Rome), and there they were crucified and some burned.

Thus Jesus illustrated the cross (verse 34) that was to be charged, only, to prove the submission of his followers. The Lord does not oppose the pleasure of man in making sacrifices (work, for example), but does not recommend painful sacrifices for the payment of any of his gifts. "Carrying the cross" refers to the necessary effort, "denying oneself" to follow Jesus in all our earthly walk, doing his will.

Thousands of people, at this moment, endure crosses, (different), to which Jesus is not The author, nor is it written anywhere that has value for Him. With a single sacrifice, He paid for us: all the possible sacrifices: "the true cross".

In no other one can anyone forgive or perform miracles. Walks are fashionable: to lose weight, acquire health, lose cholesterol, etc. But walking to pay something to God, is amazing. We should all listen to the Bible, and then we should: discuss the promises.

The Holy Spirit, using the Apostle Peter, caused fear to fall on the people, denouncing his crime against Jesus:

"He is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which was put in the corner, and in no other is there salvation, because also under heaven no other name is given, among men, by which we must be saved. " Acts of the Apostles 4: 11-12.

Following Jesus is evidently a language of image, in the sense that Jesus is no longer with us physically. In other words, we can not continue as was the case with your Disciples! To follow Jesus is to resemble Him: his character and his works. In other words, follow his example.

I have a book with the following subject: What would Jesus do in my place?

There are certain moments, when I feel alone and I have no more will to say or speak, I turn to this book: "Talk to God, a dialogue out of the ordinary". The truth is that I find there relief, a refuge and the reason for my spiritual walk. This book reveals the imaginary recital of a succession of disturbances that were introduced in a Church. Where his Pastor invited his members to commit nothing to do or say, a full year. Do not question or raise issues like this:

"What would Jesus do in my place?" This advice would be very positive, if many Churches in the world followed.

For many people, following Jesus is a way to empty the bales of life as if He were a "container" only punctual. Way to assert your reason.

Not loved Following Jesus is first of all recognizing him as our Lord, Savior and Liberator.

Following Jesus, (as He set the example), is to forgive everyone and even those who do us wrong. To follow Jesus is to accept the eviction, rejection and even the judgment of others without getting angry. To follow Jesus is to see in others the image of God. Humiliate yourself, even if necessary, shed tears.

In the cruelest moments of His Passion, Jesus spoke thus:

"Father, forgive them, because they do not know what they are doing."

Following Jesus is not to love God only with words and when everything is going well, but even when everything is contrary and the bad days. This is his commandment: to live joyfully, both in abundance and in scarcity.

We know the story of the Apostle Peter well. The religious leaders sought a reason to condemn Jesus.

The Apostle Peter followed him from afar. As it is written:

"They brought Jesus to the high priest, and all the chief priests, and the elders, and the scribes, assembled." And Peter followed him from afar, even into the courtyard of the high priest, and sat with the servants, warming themselves in the fire. Gospel of Mark 14: 53-54.

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Following Jesus is different. It means identifying with Him and not running away from our responsibilities and commitments that we have accepted. To follow Jesus, even in weakness, is to wait at His coming, to take his Church with him.

God help us every day, put our life on the altar and glorify God: in all things and circumstances. Amen.



The man who abandons everything, God will always give him rewards, and the sacrifice that man can make for the Gospel has its pay.


It costs a lot to follow Jesus, but the reward is glorious in the heavens.

Great message Brother

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