Steemchurch :The Danger Of Religious Confusion

Quotation (Galatians 1: 6 -7)

I am surprised that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you into the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel. But there isn't another gospel. Only that there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the good news of Christ


This is a muddy grounds to walk today, but necessary for us to know and appreciate the danger. Religious Confusion has been here since the days of the Tower of Babel under the great king Nimrod.

tower babel


As by that era, the true, sanctified and spiritual knowledge of God Most High had been corrupted, distorted and mixed up, resulting in nations, tribal and ethnic groupings having their own religion and worship. And entire cultures, customs traditions and societies were built around them.



God's attempt to save the day through the Hebrew people led to nowhere, as Judaism traditionally and narrowly remained Jewish, except few proselytes (converts). The Christian faith, birthed by Jesus Christ and ushered in by the Holy Spirit on the Pentecost day in Jerusalem, 10 days after Jesus ascended to Heaven, saved the day and the world.

Jesus ascension


The Good News of Christ, as it came to be known, spread across the world, but not without heavy resistance, persecutions, and distortions too.
Up to our modern era and generation, there have also been major religious worships and faiths, accepted the world over, lying side by side, and all claiming origination from God, to be the way to salvation, and to the true God, and to everlasting life after death. The fact is that they are all appealing, having scriptures and teachers, rituals and practices, with numerous die-hard adherents and followers.
So come the question: which one should one believes? And which should one follows? And do they all lead to the same destiny and destination? That is the danger of religious confusion of our time.
Apostle Paul, who was a die-hard adherent of Judaism, but his encounter with the exalted and glorified Christ, on the Damascus road, became the preacher of the faith he once sought to nix, waste and to destroy, faced the same religious confusion with the Christians in the province of Galatia.
After having received the truth of God, the gospel of Christ, which is salvation by grace, they now turned to another good news - salvation by law through works or deeds, which was the central theme of Judaism. And Paul was shocked, astonished and wondered how this could be! Finally, Paul came to conclusion that, there isn't really any other good news, but just confusion, and distortion and perversion of the true knowledge of God, being paraded and peddled as another gospel and religion. And this is troubling people and unsettling their faith and beliefs, just as Eve was unsettled and troubled by the serpent spirit. Paul even called it the teachings of demons, and prophetically warned us that people would give heed to because it's appealing to their flesh, and their dead or seared conscience (1 Tim 4: 1 -2). And where do you and I stand on this dangerous grounds? While it's your right to choose what to worship, believe and practice, the truth is, you can't never run away from their eternal results, fruits and consequences.

I would want to encourage you to accept Apostle Paul's conclusion: that there is no other Good News, just the serpent's spirit trying to trouble you and unsettle you from eternal issues already settled and finished on the Cross of Calvary, on that fateful Jewish Passover day.

May you not desert the grace of God in Christ Jesus too quickly, and may this serpent spirit not be able to lead you astray from the grace of Christ.
And may the Lord Jesus cause your salvation with Him to be settled and finished as you wait for His return. May the power of faith in Him keep and preserve you always in Jesus name. Amen

pray with me

We give thanks Father for the truth and for the good news of grace in Christ Jesus. Help us Lord to navigate well in this dangerous religious confusion era and time. Give us the discernment, and the wisdom to know the truth from the falsehood, and help us to hold on to the grace you offer to us in Christ.
Above all, Lord help us to help others who have been caught up in the serpent's spirit deception of our time abd generation. Bless is Lord and keep us from evil and harm in Jesus name. Amen

Shalom, life and grace to you
Moving people unto God's purposes

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