And when Jesus had fasted forty days and nights, afterward He was hungry. Now when the tempter came to Him, he said, "If you are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread". But Jesus answered and said, "It is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceed from the mouth of God". (Matthew 4: 2 -4)


I have not know anyone who doesn't face temptation. But what is temptation?
I was once explaining the temptations we face as Christians to a long time family friend who visited me. And I was using that of Joseph when Mrs Potiphar put him under duress several times. Then this friend of mine said, but why such opportunities do not come his way?
Well folks, that is a definition for temptation. An opportunity to act from your flesh, being it your ego, desires, selfwill, self ambition, etc, that runs contrary to the will or the word of God for your life. It actually brings you into sin or disobedience to God.
Scripture emphasizes the fact that God does not tempt us, but we are tempted from our sinful nature or carnal nature. (James 1: 13 -15). When the carnal flesh is enticed or seduced, it produces the fruits that are sinful. And when the fruits of sin have mature, they bring death to us - either physical death or spiritual death. Death of dreams, potential, elevation, opportunities and blessings.
Most people yield themselves to temptation because the immediate fruits may be pleasant, sweet, good and desirable. But the long time fruits may be painful, deadly, and catastrophic. The case of Esau is a classic example. He battered his God given destiny, the birth right, for a plate of beans stew with slices of bread. He satisfied his belly, his immediate hunger, with a bowl of food, and lost a great blessing and destiny, that affected not just him, but his descendants for many generations.


The Lord Jesus showed us how we can defeat temptations, no matter where they come from and what they're meant or what they are sent to do in our life this year. He said, bread or food is not man's only need. So no matter what the temptation is, remember, that thing is not your ultimate need. There is a greater and higher thing you need in life too. Jesus said, it's the word of God. I will say, it is obedience to His word for your life.
James exhorts us that God would use every temptation you face to prove your faith, your obedience and your endurance. And when you overcome that temptation, you would be blessed because you would receive God's approval, and a victor's reward, the crown of life (James 1: 12).
Apostle Paul also assured us that no temptation has come against us that is not faced by other people. But God is faithful. He will not let you and I be tried beyond what we are able to bear, but with every trial or temptation He will also provide a way out so that we may be able to overcome it (1 Cor 10: 13). That is good news.
So we will face various temptations this year, but know that you are already overcomer because God is working through it for you. Just be patient and learn to cooperate with Him as Jesus did.
So as you go through the year and live life, know that temptation will come your way, but you can overcome it. Become overcomer of temptation and receive your victor's crown and blessings with divine approval and affirmation in Jesus name. Amen
Shalom, life and grace to you
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