Jesus was delivered up to death for our sins and was raised up to life when we were justified (Romans 4: 25)


What we just celebrated happened two thousand years ago. We continue to commemorate it, not for its religious pomp, but for its eternal truths.
That Jesus of Nazareth was given up to death on the cross for our sins. He became our sin offering. John the Baptist described Him as the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world. So Christ fulfilled the Jewish ordinance of Atonement, where the High Priest take the blood of the sin offering into the Most Holy place, where he sprinkled the blood on the Mercy Seat on the Ark of the Covenant. When that ordinance is done atonement is done for sins, pardon of sin is given to Israel. Jesus also did the same, with His own precious, holy blood, and in doing so, appeased the divine holiness and justice and obtained redemption, by which all mankind are pardoned for their sins and released from the penalty of their sins. When this was done, Jesus was raised to life, having purged and done away with sin of mankind as the Lamb of God.
We are told, God did this, to demonstrate that He is righteous God, He loves us, He has shown His forbearance towards our fallen state and His grace to offer Christ as for our salvation as a free gift (Rom 3: 23 -26).
And what is our response to this kindness and grace of God? Your part and my part of this deal is to appropriate by faith the redemption God offers us through Christ. When you and I fail to do that, then we have to save ourselves from sin and all that divine holiness and justice demands from sin and those who transgress God's holy laws. And because no man can meet that, we must prepare for divine judgment and punishment.


My question to you is: Have you considered this as you go through this season? Where do you stand if God should demand divine justice against you right now? And how would it end with you should you die right now or should Christ appear in the skies right now?
Know that Easter is not just a religious feast or fanfair, but an event that deals with eternal truths and issues of mankind's salvation.
May prayer for you is that you make use of this Grace of God and save yourself while you still have breath in you.
May you not have this grace season for nothing, but make this sacrifice of Christ accomplish its efficacious results in your life and extend it to others. And may the blessing of the season flow in abundance into your life in Jesus name. Amen
Shalom, life and grace to you
Moving people onto God's purposes
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@johnsonkoranteng @sirknight @sc-g



In his act of love He sacrificed himself for us. He did that in order for man to not perished. Thanks for your words of encouragement.


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