When the days of her purification according to the the law of Moses were fulfilled, they brought Him up to Jerusalem, to present Him to the Lord, as it's written in the law of the Lord ..... and to offer a sacrifice according to that which is said in the law of the Lord... (Luke 2: 22 -24)


As we began this new year, most people including me have been praying for and seeking for what is "NEW" to live life in this new year. But come to think of it, we human beings love new things whether it is good or not, legal or not, effective or not. So far as it's new we want it and is okay with us. But God deals with us, His children, in a different way. And His appointed ways for our life, for living through this new year are proving and sure to deliver the results He wants and expect from us. I want to take us through them, for they were the same things Jesus, God's Son was taken through.
First, the Holy Scriptures.
When Jesus was born, His life was made to conform to the Scriptures, the Written Word of the Lord. Every thing about Him was in pattern and fulfillment of scriptures. We are told several times that Jesus did this or said that in order that the Scripture might be fulfilled. This is the proving and most effective way of living a holy and godly lives that makes us fruitful, pleasing to God and a blessing to others.
But the problem with most people, especially Christians, is that they live life by their culture and traditions, their undisciplined emotions and desires, by their unrenewed mind and thinking, by the unsanctified opinions and advice of people, etc, and the results, the fruits and the consequences of these in their own lives and the society are telling yet still they wonder why.


God threw this challenge to the Prophet Zechariah to confront the Jews with. "Your fathers, where are they? ... Has not My word (My decrees, precepts and commandments) overtaked them? (Zech 1: 5 -6). The scriptures can not be broken, Jesus told us. And if they can't be broken, then they would come to pass, whether we like it or not, accept it or not, believe it or not. It would be in our own interest as the people of God to live by them, the Scriptures, and its teachings. For it's the word of God and its teachings speak to every age, culture, ethnic and racial groups and to every situation and circumstance we would ever encounter this year. So let us therefore hold to this exhortation by the Prophet Jeremiah. "O Lord, I know the (right) way of man is not in himself. It is not in man who walks to direct his own steps (Jer 10: 23). It's the reason why even presidents of nations and companies have advisors, because they can't direct their own steps. And because our God is a good and wise God, a God who knows all things, made such a provision for His children, to direct their lives and steos with His word, the Scriptures.
So as you go through the year and live life, live by the Scriptures, let the Written Word of God direct and regulate your living, not your culture, traditions and habits. Do you know that the majority of your problems emanate from your culture and traditions? Remember your don't break God's word, rather you break yourself, your life and your dreams on God's word. (I am not against your culture and traditions, but they are the very things which is stopping your potential, growth and success in life, at least in part). May the power and grace and truth of God's written word elevate you and cause you to become all that you are destined by God to become this year in Jesus name. Amen
Shalom, life and grace to you
Moving people onto God's purposes
All images from http://www.pinterest.com

@johnsonkoranteng @sirknight @sc-g



We are what God says we are and everything written in God's word are His perfect way leading us to discover His perfect will for our lives. The ways of God are better than that of man and it should be our prayer that God leads us to discover the very reason for which we were made. Thanks for the word John

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