Hello brethren in the Lord, peace be with you. We are blessed to be a part of a moment like this. Pay heed to these words and you will never be the same. God bless you for reading
Now Mary arose in those days and went into the hill country with haste, to a city of Judah , and entered the house of Zecharias and greeted Elizabeth. And it happened when Elizabeth heard the greetings of Mary that the babe leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit (Luke 1: 39 - 41)


One of my favourite scriptures is Proverbs 27: 17. "Iron sharpens Iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend". The Jewish theologian, Dr Young, literal transition put it this way, "Iron by Iron is sharpened, and in the same way, a man sharpens another man". And how true is this piece of scripture in our every day life.
The spiritual and the natural wisdom in this undeniable truth is that people are sharpened by other people. Our vision, abilities, dreams and goals, joy and happiness, and so is our sorrows and pains, downfall and death can be sharpened by people we associate or keep company with. Our elders were right when they described this truth by saying, "Birds of the same feathers flock together". It's a exactly what Mary did.
When she received that heavenly visitation, which brought a divine destiny to her, and was told a similar grace has been granted Elizabeth, her cousin, she immediately sought for her and associated with her. And we have some insight into their association and the tremendous impact and impartations it had on both women, as they sought to fulfill their God given callings and life missions. This is a godly association that God would want every child of His to keep this year. Because Iron makes Iron sharp, so a man makes sharp his friend (Basic English translation).
There is another turn to this truth, when the association is not a godly one, you will be sharpened all right but for a wrong results. And the results are always damaging to your progress, abilities, vision, dreams and even your destiny. Apostle Paul therefore warned Christians about it. "Don't be deceived, evil company or association damage good people" (Basic English translation, 1 Cor 15: 33)
Ungodly association this year will definitely corrupt your good morals, resolutions for the year, your dreams and vision. It may even send you to prison or hospital or grave. So as the mercies of God had granted to us a new beginning and opportunity for change, improvement and growth by bringing us into this new year, let's seek for a godly association, so that we can be sharpened righly and in a good way and we in turn should do the same for other people. And in this the Scripture is fulfilled.


So as you go through the year and live life, associate with the right people, with godly christians, with people on the way to eternal life, with people who are achieving something good and godly for society and for the future generations.
Note this, you would be sharpened this year by people and you would sharpen people this year too. But for goodness sake and for the fear of God and for your own sanity sake, let all sharpening be godly, good and righteous. And you would never regret the fruits, the rewards and the results. May you come to this understanding and may you be blessed in Jesus name for obedience and godly association. Amen
Shalom, life and grace to you
Moving people onto God's purposes

@johnsonkoranteng @sirknight @sc-g



Well said brother!, people life can be reformed through others with good morals and hearts, but it God who chooses the best ones for us otherwise our lives could be ruined in this wicked world. Thanks for sharing with us.

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