Personal devotional: asking for God's protection

in #steemchurch5 years ago


1 Listen, O Jehovah, my words; Consider my groan. 2 Be attentive to the voice of my cry, my King and my God, because I will pray to you. 3 O Jehovah, in the morning you will hear my voice; In the morning I will appear in front of you and wait. (Psalm 5: 1-3, King James version).

Everyone in life goes through complex situations and multiple sufferings. In some cases, we go to specialists to help us control emotional wounds with medications, therapies and other factors that, instead of giving us the rest and healing we need, what it does is complicate the matter. Since I converted to Christ, I have recognized that the best doctor par excellence is called Jesus. Knowing that Christ is my special doctor who carried my crimes on the cross and my diseases on his body, fills me with tranquility and this leads me to direct my prayers only to God as the psalmist says: "Listen, O Jehovah, my words; Consider my groans. "

When we consider that only God can hear our prayers and give us his help, we enter a climate of trust and tranquility, knowing that God hears and hears our groans.

God is always attentive to the voice of our cry. God is pleased that we seek him at all times and present our needs. If we enter with confidence in his throne of grace, He will hear our cry and grant us the request of our hearts.

In my private life, it is early in the morning when I present myself before the throne of the Lord and begin a pleasant search for his presence. It is morning when God likes to hear our voice, the psalmist David said: "O Jehovah, in the morning you will hear my voice; in the morning I will appear before you and wait."

The important thing about talking to God is that he listens to us and expects us to also have time in prayer to wait for Him to speak to us and respond to us.

The Christian who does not pray is an easy prey for the enemy. God will provide us with protection to the extent that we seek his face and present our concerns at all times, especially every morning.

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