in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Fraternal greetings to my beloved brothers in the faith and companions of our blessed Steemchurch Venezuela. During my first years of marine training, a wise teacher taught us a phrase that changed the way of thinking of many students in our incipient stage of learning, that phrase reads: "VISION WITHOUT ACTION IS DREAM AWAKEN, ACTION WITHOUT VISION IS A NIGHTMARE "


On the night of May 11th, that wonderful and magical night at the Hotel Maremares de Lechería, I could understand and verify the validity of that instructive thought, after the meeting I related the prophetic vision of our maximum @sirknight guide by strengthening with his encouragement and confidence to our blessed Apostle @darlenys01.
Reflection made after the meeting because this is the first time I attend such a profitable meeting.

It was a providential event what happened that beautiful night, my unexpected invitation was a source of inspiration to write these humble lines, lines of gratitude for those who God put in my way to take me to such a transcendental event where an emotional and experiential message filled with hopes joy to a full audience of expectations before the Good News received.

Personally I am pleased to refer to the words expressed by our leader Steemchurch Apostol @darlenys01, their strength, transparency and faith in such a noble project show that you only need to "want to do" before of "can do".

Listening to our leader, we have appreciated the strength of faith in its maximum and simple expression, that faith, converted into TRUST, made more than one of the hearts present in such a blessed encounter throb.

It is not possible to talk about this unforgettable night without recognizing how fortunate we are to have the privilege of listening to such profound and instructive words, thank God for encouraging messengers as our Leader @darlenys01 and thank you Lord for allowing our presence in such a providential meeting .

The word of God says: "Ask and you will be given, seek and find, knock and the door will be opened to you, because the one who asks receives, the one who seeks finds, and the door to the one who knocks will be opened" (Mt. 7.7)

Another rewarding offering to the attendees was the timely message of our Pastor Emilio Cabrera, my understanding came strengthened and the presence of the Great Power of God flooded my being, the story of Pastor Cabrera about men, about God's creation, made me think in how he, an ordinary man like any of those present, through his experiences taught us how the hand of God touches who wants to be touched and how you can love God and his work by living and sharing a blessed thought " common and current ".

From the bottom of my heart I confess that following the words of Jesus Our Lord: "give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's" (Mt 22.15,27). Compulsory reflection for the closing of my writing since, certainly, it is necessary to deepen as brothers, as children of God, as recipients of his sacred message. In this meeting, among other things I reasoned that the block chain is not the essence of our effort, but a part of the reality that we have to live, remember that "not only bread lives man" but also the stimulating word we receive in the mouth of brothers like Pastor Emilio Cabrera, his emotional message also gave us a bit of "what is of God", what is of Cesar, it is not even necessary to give it to him because today in our country, as in other places of God, the Caesars freely and immorally take what is theirs and also what belongs to the people of God.

I finish my writing thanking God, Steemchurch, @Sirknight and expressing my GOD ALMIGHTY that: "You do not have to give me because I love you, because although I hope I did not wait, the same as I love you I would love you".


I finish this delivery giving thanks to all who with their example and enthusiasm give life to this procession of faith called STEEMCHURCH .


Words full of wisdom and good wishes, is a man full of faith, never stopped seeing Jesus. Thank you for having attended Steemchurch Venezuela and we hope you will continue to delight us with your messages.

thank you for your encouraging words, they stimulate and strengthen my view that thanks to them our steps go every time towards a better destiny, words more than blockchain because "man does not live on bread alone"

Good presentation of your experience lived in the first meetup of steemchurch Venezuela beloved brother @joeconuco21, it was really a historical day that we will take in the heart to embrace the neighbor in our society. God bless you for your sincere words.

Thank you for your encouraging words, your transparency in speaking struck me and I understood that you spoke for All the children of God present in such a blessed meeting, I am sure that God will illuminate my path so that I can see where I can serve him better ... I learned that of you. God bless you.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. Giving is a habit we have to inculcate.

The scripture says...Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers(Gal 6:10)

This is so awesome to know. I am glad that you refer to the words expressed by our leader Steemchurch Apostol @darlenys01, their strength, transparency and faith in such a noble project show that you only need to "want to do" before of "can do". Thanks for sharing

dear brother, I confess that for years I read the Bible in a self-taught way, I am not an expert but I enjoy it and whenever I can I share what I learn, that is why I say with satisfaction that my opinion on the words of Pastor Cabrera sprang from positive energy that was breathed in that opportune meeting, thank you for your motivating words.

Que dice el gran Joe!!! Saludos padre!!!

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