The Righteous For The Faith Will Live

in #steemchurch6 years ago

The righteous by faith will live correctly on this earth, and having a righteous life, advancing and walking in the fear of God at all times, guarantees the ear of God in his petitions. God hears and hears those who fear them.


Hebrews 10:38 But the just shall live by faith; And if I step back, it will not please my soul.

What does the word just mean?

The term is just "dikaios" in the Greek language, this personifies: anyone who walks and walks in straight behavior; It is the person who lives in an indelible attitude of righteousness or of being righteous, whether judged on divine or human standards. In the Hebrew dialect, the word "yashar" is just, which symbolizes: right, right, right, before the eyes of God; equitable, spiritually honored, one who has his accounts up to date with God.

God as fair

When we refer to God as just, we connect to the perfect covenant between his nature and his deeds; which is the manifestation of the norm for all men. So we distinguish the two definitions about what a righteous person is, and God as "the just one."

The righteous by faith will live meaning

The righteous is that person who is honored, the one who manifests it at all times, whether in public or in his privacy, and avoids being corrupted by sin, who has no union of sin, and is blessed; anyone who is pure and clean, is a person who, in addition, acts in justice with people.

Aspects that indicate that the just by faith will live.

The Righteous by faith will live who lives faithfully before God at all times, and the demonstration of this is the way he lives manifesting righteous works in justice. The nature of God is to be righteous, God is pure, holy, righteous, just, whole. God is perfect in his person, but he also manifests all this nature materializing works with humanity.
The righteous by faith will live consists in being fearful of God, loving what God loves and hating what God hates.
The righteous by faith will live consists in leading an impartial life, honest, in holiness before God and be the same in public as in private.
The righteous by faith will live means to live according to the norms and biblical commandments that God has established in his Word, because he believes fully in God.
Being righteous by faith will live is reflected in two things: - In being like God (loving, affectionate, virtuous, whole, holy, clean, pure, patient, compassionate, merciful, full of peace, joy, forgiveness). - In practicing works of justice as God performs them.
Some works of justice what we can do by faith
Learn to do good, seek the right, help the wronged, do justice to the orphan, protect the widow. " Isaiah 1.17

He must help the orphan, the widow and the foreigner.
He must forgive all those who offend us.
He must bless all those who curse us.
He must help and raise up the one who has fallen into sin.
He must lift and console, encourage the discouraged.
He must use faith to heal the sick.
He must have in his heart the passion and desire to free the oppressed.
He must pray for all, for his nation, for his brothers, for the lost souls.
Be willing to help the one who is in pain and afflicted.
Be ready to visit the sick person in the hospital, in their urbanization and everywhere.
You must cover clothes naked.
He must give spiritual food, and material to the hungry.
He must speak of the message of salvation.
He must be willing to give to the poor.

God calls us to do the works of justice, this is in the scriptures, it is a mandate from God, for all believers, we must practice them in a way that in the eyes of God "The just shall live by faith" is a demand with promise.

"The just actions of the saints". And she has been granted to wear fine linen, clean and shining (for fine linen means the righteous acts of the saints). " Revelation 19.8

Actions or just negotiations, while reflecting the righteous heart of a believer, begin to be the spiritual dress of a Christian before the eyes of God. Each time the Lord looks at us, he can see how our dress of justice is.

The righteous by faith will have promises from God
He who is just and practices works of justice.
"Jehovah, who will dwell in your tabernacle? Who will dwell in your holy mountain? Who will speak in integrity and does justice? Who will speak truth in his heart? Who does not slander with his tongue or do evil to his neighbor or admit any reproach against his neighbor; that in whose eyes the unworthy is despised, but honors those who fear Jehovah; who, even swearing to his own detriment, does not change that; who his money did not give to usury or against the innocent admitted bribery " Psalm 15.1-5.

Where does the believer's justice come from?
If we want to carry out our own justice according to our own patterns, it is of no use to us. The word of God calls this act works of filth to our conjectured "good" works. Justice is received by the power of Jesus.

How did justice come to the believer?
Justice is imparted to the believer eleven he begins to believe in Jesus.

"Justified, then, by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ ...". Romans 5.1

When we receive justification by his grace.
"... because by grace you are saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God". Ephesians 2.8

We are righteous because God, through his unmerited favor, justified us, cleansed us, washed us and made us his own righteousness. A person who intends to do the works of justice, without first having been justified, those works are a filthy rag before the eyes of God. It is not convenient to boast, we are righteous by faith in Jesus and by his grace. We can not trust our own justice.

We meet many people who are just in position, but still do not walk in those works as fair; they are righteous, but they have not yet put into practice that righteousness that is given by faith.

Justice comes to the believer through grace. The grace of God gives us the power and the ability to live an impartial, just, honest, decent and blessed life before his presence. If we live on account of his grace, we manage to remain in an indelible state of integrity and fear of God; we managed to achieve to hate evil at all times, and we would be able to love what God loves at all times. Living on account of God's grace will help us to be his image here on earth.
The grace of the Lord is the key to having a life full of righteousness and God-fearing here on earth. The grace of God gives us the disposition and generates in us hunger and thirst to live fully.
I invite you to read also: Matthew 17:20 - Faith Moves Mountains - Biblical Meaning

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied." Matthew 5.6

Every believer has been justified by faith in Jesus, and the grace of God gives us the power we need and the ability to live properly.

God constantly persecutes that the believer is righteous, we have to remember that the righteous is the one who is equitable, lives in the good in the eyes of God, is pure, clean, honest, upright and does works of justice

Intimate communion is with the righteous: The true intimate friends of God are the righteous.
"For Jehovah abhors the wicked; his intimate communion is with the righteous. " Proverbs 3.32

God walks and walks with the righteous.
"These are the descendants of Noah: Noah, a righteous man, was perfect among the men of his time; Noah walked with God. " Genesis 6.9

The indestructible abode of God is with the righteous.
God lives with the just. "Jehovah, who will dwell in your tabernacle? Who will dwell in your holy mountain? he who walks in integrity and does justice; the one who speaks truth in his heart. " Psalm 15.1.

God hears and attends the righteous and frees him from all bondage.
"Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but Jehovah will deliver them out of them all." Psalm 34.19

The righteous by faith will live correctly on this earth, and having a righteous life, advancing and walking in the fear of God at all times, guarantees the ear of God in his petitions. God hears and hears those who fear them.

An extraordinary example of this is Jesus.

"And Christ, in the days of his earthly life, offered up prayers and supplications with great crying and tears to him who could deliver him from death, and was heard because of his reverent fear." Hebrews 5.7

God does not destroy or judge a complete city, even a nation, just for a righteous one who rises, God takes into account only one that is, means that it is so important and has so much power to have a right heart before God.

"Abraham returned to say:" Do not be angry now my Lord; I will only speak this time: maybe ten are there. "I will not destroy her," replied the Lord, "for the love of the ten." Genesis 18.32

In the previous points, we see that God is looking for the righteous to be his faithful friends. God walks and walks with them, lives in his house and hears them. With this, we are discerning why our prayers have so much power.



In every age, the righteous lived by faith.
A. This was true in the Patriarchal Era (Hebrews 11: 4-27).
B. This was true in the Mosaic Era (Hebrews 11: 28-39).
C. This is true in the Christian era (Romans 1:17, Hebrews 10:38).
D. Although the commandments have changed through these ages, something that has been constant is faith.

How do you live by faith?

A. When God sends something, we obey, even if we do not fully understand why He has commanded (cf. 2 Kings 5).
B. This applies to God's plan for salvation, worship, organization, etc.
C. When we see the evil around us, we do not question God's justice, knowing that He will judge justly at the right time.
D. When it seems that everyone has abandoned us, we meditate that God will never do it (Hebrews 13: 5).

The life of each one of us is based on one of these two attitudes. Either we adopt the simple Word of God and live according to it, or we do not adopt it. If we protest against the idea that the prophets can predict the future. Or if we say that miracles and believing in the supernatural are ridiculous in a scientific and sophisticated world like the present one, we will only be retracting from the pious path of life. The biblical way is a living by faith. "The just shall live by his faith." Faith means adopting the Word of God and acting according to it simply because it is the Word of God. It means believing in what God has said precisely because he has said it. Those heroes of the faith listed in Hebrews 11 believed the Word of God simply because God had spoken. They had no other reason. For example, why did Abraham take Isaac his son and go up Mount Moriah? Why was he about to sacrifice it? Simply because God had told him to do it.

However, living by faith means much more than that. It means building our whole lives on faith in God. The secret of all those characters of the Old Testament is that they lived "as if seeing the invisible" (He 11.27). They preferred, like Moses, "to be mistreated with the people of God, to enjoy the temporary delights of sin" (He 11.25).

The righteous by faith will live correctly on this earth, and having a righteous life, advancing and walking in the fear of God at all times, guarantees the ear of God in his petitions. God hears and hears those who fear them.

living a righteous life brings about holiness, faithfulness to live a correct life on earth

It takes those that really know God through faith to really walk in His way. In our walk with God, the more light we get through the word of God the better it becomes for us to live a righteous life. God is always ready to make His grace available for us if we are really ready to live according to His own standard and principles.
Those who live a righteous life will have a right standing with God and through faith in him and His word with the help of His Holy Spirit we build a cordial relationship with Him.

Excellent message. Blessings.

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