in #steemchurch6 years ago

Matthew 11:12: "From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force."


God's time for the world is in our hands and we need to pull it, snatch it and exercise the authority that God has given us to see his miracle, not our material dreams; let's understand that the miracle of God is called your country. John the Baptist proclaimed the kingdom of heaven, he said "repent and convert because the kingdom of heaven has approached" and immediately we proclaim this word is exercised a spiritual violence and in this nation has been exercised a spiritual violence since we decided proclaim that the kingdom of heaven has approached; an army has been born that in any corner of your country proclaims repent and convert because the kingdom of heaven has approached.

This situation of country has wanted to reduce our impetuosity, our bravery and gallantry to establish the kingdom of heaven and we need to exercise spiritual violence from within, to be able to see what God has promised us. Moses cried out to God, and then God told him why you cry to me, showed him the rod and said "take your rod" and that rod represents the Word of God, the authority that He has given us as His children, but for To re-use that spiritual violence and that boldness to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus, we need to pray from within; because difficult circumstances try to corner us, but God tells us to take your rod and open that sea, the sea is in front of you and Pharaoh is behind, but you have a rod, you have an authority, you have a word and a lot of promises that support you and God It needs to be revealed to us that we have them.

In the hands of God are our times, but He has decided to give us his times and depends on us and our faith; Satan wants to confuse us and blind us the moment we pray, he wants to remove our persistence so that we do not exercise violent faith, which comes as a consequence of a violent prayer. The Bible says that the effective prayer of the righteous can do much and effectiveness has to do with perseverance, with persistence, but Satan wants to take it away with discouragement, with sadness, with lack of love for the country, for souls, even in our homes for let us look at what we see and walk by sight and not by faith, but God in his immense love and mercy sent us to his Holy Spirit who helps us in our weakness.

Satan wants to extinguish that boldness, that characteristic that the Church has had to preach the gospel in time and out of time, so that we focus on other things, but there is a country that is crying out, there is a country that is hurting so It is happening and all humanity is groaning for the glorious manifestation of the children of God, and the Holy Spirit wants to use our hearts and we are sensitive to the cry that Jesus is making before the Father in favor of our earth. If we govern this nation spiritually, we will govern it naturally, because the spiritual is first and the violent faith does not recede, it always goes forward and does not conform to what it sees. In our hands is the time of God, you and I decide what is going to happen in this nation, in the name of Jesus, not in our name. Violent faith exercises a radical obedience, it does not look whether it feels or not. We are going to save this nation in the name of Jesus with our prayer, persisting and never fainting because the greater is that which is in us.



Faith is the conviction of what is expected the certainty of what is not seen, and without faith it is impossible to please God, it is the moment to activate that faith in our hearts to achieve the victory given on the cross by Jesus.

If we govern this nation spiritually, we will govern it naturally, because the spiritual is first and the violent faith does not recede, it always goes forward and does not conform to what it sees.

I guess this goes with the idea of Steemchurch

We won't stop until we free humanity from captivity


That faith is what helps us to advance to steps of victors as brave in the work of Christ, faith, faith, faith.

I have enjoyed reading sermons today at @steemchurch and @sc-v, I feel God fill me with his word. Blessings

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