Make The Best Use Of Your Time

in #steemchurch7 years ago

Hello there!

How do you think you can make best use of your time? First we have to understand that now is the best time to do something, there is nothing like a perfect time actually. When you keep procrastinating, you may end up not doing things that are truly important.

We live in a very busy world, when you say you want to do something, something else may come up. It gets confusing at times when you have to make a choice between two options. Setting aside time to study books precious to you is important, for Christians the bible and other related bible-based tools. Spending time with people that have similar interest will also be helpful. For instance, it wouldn't be wise to spend a long time with people who only think about the present. They will discourage you from pursuing any goals you may have at that particular time, since they only care about current events.

There is a scripture I came across that will be very helpful to the subject of discussion, Ephesians 5: 15, 16. There the bible says,

[15]Look therefore carefully how ye walk, not as unwise, but as wise; [16]redeeming the time, because the days are evil.

After comparing with other bible translations, I was able to understand that the messages that these scriptures passes. Verse 15 specifically mentions that we should keep strict watch, this means that we should carefully examine how will spend our time. It further added that the choice is to choose between acting as a wise person and as an unwise person. If anyone is told to choose among the two options, I'm certain most people would want to act as wise persons.

Looking at the other verse (verse 16) of the 5th Chapter of the book of Ephesians, the first part says that we should redeem time. Redeeming time involves making the best use of our time. In the other part of the verse, it says that the days are evil. If you are in a place and you are told that it is a really dangerous place, what will you do? As wise persons, I trust that you will thread carefully.

Let's compare the scripture just read with Colossians 4: 5,

Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time.

As mentioned earlier, if we are told we are in a dangerous place, we will do well to limit our association to only the good people there. This bible verse we just read explains the reason, it says we should act wise even if we are amidst unwise people. We should do well to be outstanding. It also mentions redeeming our time, which means making the best use of time.

We all have different ways we spend our time, how I spend my time may be different from how you spend yours. But what should be similar is using wisdom when spending our time. Daily bible reading is one way we can become really wise, I find the scriptures really practical in my daily activities. There is no limit in becoming wise, it is something that we should continously strive to attain. We definitely want to be different from people out there, people living their lives as if they are sheep without shepherds. Make the best use of your time today!

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All Scriptures are from American Standard Version of the Bible.

Thanks for coming around :)



Time flies like an arrow, fruits fly like banana
Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin

Nice post apostle jaff8



For what it’s worth: it’s never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the courage to start all over again.

This was a great all around


Thanks for coming around OS, your contribution is well appreciated. The key word is to make it the best.

Time is one of the biggest factor that affects a man's life. I believe it is the most important factor because a man success or failure is largely dependent on how he uses his time.

With proper time management and proper planning there is no limit to what a man can achieve. I have suffered personally for time wasting and mismanagement and it somehow feels like my biggest achilles heel.

Of recent I had a 6 months holiday from school and most of it was wasted because I couldn't do anything worthwhile until I found out about steemit. Now I am making better use of my time though i still believe i can do better. Thanks for this message brother @jaff8

First we have to understand that now is the best time to do something, there is nothing like a perfect time actually.

This is soo true! currently battling with this issue, when i say i would do something but i end up not doing it, this is because i don't do it now or plan for it.

I have also heard people say "they are waiting on God", God works with what you do, He works when you work. Statements like that keeps us from doing what we should do and even causes us to be doubtful about God's supremacy.

You know why?

Because God waits, when we wait!

I encourage you brethren, go do something now

Thanks @jaff8 for these true words

Time has for quite some time been a critical subject of concentrate in religion, logic, and science.

Time is very very important and wasting it could be dangerous.
How do we work on not wasting time? The answer is PLANNING.

Plan out your time always. Allocate time to the most important things you need to do when you wake up. Start your day with a plan or else you'd go through the day without achieving anything.

An easy way to plan out your time is to map out your entire day on a paper and allot time to the things you'd want to do with the highest time going to the things with the highest priority.

Also make use of "your dead time". I call dead time the time you spend not doing anything meaningful like waiting in line for an ATM or being on a bus home. You could spend this time studying something or better still, blogging on steemit as this would later translate to money (time is money).

Remember to spend your time wisely as @jaff8 has told us.
Thank you @jaff8 for letting us know about spending our time wisely. This couldn't have came at a better time than this when we are about to start a fresh new week. Have a great week everyone.


thinking about time!... time is indeed one of the most precious thing an individual should ought to be conscious of, it is a neccessity for everyone to program one self everyday though one is not perfect for everything but one should always try to work towards perfection.

Nice one apostle @jaff8, good hearing from you this sunday, remain blessed.

Once you have mastered time, you will understand how true it is that most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year – and underestimate what they can achieve in a decade!

Time value is most important in the life. Everyone has to respect and understand the time value because time can give the reaction of evil as well as good. Some persons understand the meaning and importance of life.

We should use our time wisely, making every second count.

Proverbs 27 vs 1

Do not boast about tomorrow, For you do not know what a day may bring forth.

Procrastination make things more difficult, the best time to act is Now!!, Start managing your time properly.

Great write-up, jaff8.

We should always try to make good use of our time because what ever time we spend will never come back to us in this life.

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