IT'S NEVER TOO LATE (Abraham at 90)

in #steemchurch6 years ago

The initial eleven parts of Genesis discuss humankind in general again and again. The considerable surge that God sent to wipe out human insidiousness decimated ALMOST all of humankind. At the point when humankind had a go at building the Tower of Babel, God's obstruction changed the dialects of ALL individuals. Toward the finish of Genesis 11 there is a long family history which begins at Noah and proceeds until the point that it comes to somebody named "Abram." At that point, the story starts to center not around ALL of mankind, but rather on one human specifically.

Abram is the one (alongside his better half, Sarai) that God has chosen to use to favor the world. The Lord guarantees to make of him "an incredible country," to favor him, to make his name regarded, to give him a place where there is his own, and to make him a gift to others. At the time, Abram was 75 years of age.

Time passes and in Genesis 15, the Lord by and by guarantees Abram that he will ensure him and that Abram will have his own particular natural kid to be his beneficiary. His relatives will be as various as the stars in the sky, and he will have his own particular land. God seals the guarantee with a contract service.

Additional time passes and by and by, in Genesis 17, God says that Abram will be the father of numerous nations. As of now, Abram gets another name: Abraham. Sarai additionally gets another name: Sarah. The Lord guarantees to be Abraham's God and additionally the God of his relatives.

When we rejoin the story toward the beginning of today, Abraham is sitting in the warmth of the day under an oak at Mamre. Mamre is vital. It was 5 miles north of Hebron, an antiquated Palestinian woods and religious site. It was thought to be a thin place where God went back and forth with mankind. 35 years have gone since the guarantee God made in Chapter 12. Abraham is 99 years of age; Sarah is 89. And...they are as yet pausing…

Read Genesis 18:1-15; 21:1-7

Grace be upon you and peace from God our Father and our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Have you at any point been enticed to abandon your fantasies? Have you at any point had the inclination that it's simply too late for you? Have you at any point begun to think about whether perhaps God has abandoned you? Whenever, one of these things happens, simply recall the name: Maxcy Filer.

Who was Maxcy Filer? He was a man who was motivated by Thurgood Marshall, building up an energy for looking for equity for the underdog. Maxcy came to understand that God had a fantasy for him: to end up a legal counselor. So Maxcy went to graduate school in 1966. When he took the law knowledge review after graduation, he didn't pass. So he attempted over and over… and once more.

  1. He took the exam wherever it was offered: in Los Angeles, in San Francisco, in San Diego, in Riverside. Wherever the exam was given, whenever the chance to take it was given, Maxcy was there.
  2. He took the law quiz while his kids were all the while living at home.
  3. He took the law quiz with two of his children when they earned their law degree.
  4. He took the law student review after he began filling in as a law agent in his children's law office.
  5. He took the law student review at the age when a great many people begin considering retirement.

At last… 25 years later… after $50,000 in charges for exams and for audit courses… following a sum of 144 days in testing rooms. At long last, Maxcy Filer did the law quiz on his 48th attempt at 61 years old.

You may ask, for what reason didn't he simply surrender? For what reason didn't he seek after something unique? Maxcy said he couldn't surrender. He trusted that God had planted the fantasy in him to end up a legal counselor. He additionally trusted that God never abandoned him.

Which conveys us to our perusing of toward the beginning of today: the tale of Abraham and Sarah… and God. There is a brilliant string in the Bible which is this: God is dependably up to something great, notwithstanding when we're most certainly not. This is extremely clear in the early sections of Genesis. In those sections, there are individuals who are planning something sinister. There are individuals who defy God; There are individuals who do brutality to each other.

Amidst this, what is God's goal? It's to favor the world—NOT to rebuff it, however to BLESS it!

Furthermore, how does God do that? Indeed, through a couple by the name of Abraham and Sarah.

God made a stunning guarantee to Abraham and Sarah: "I will favor you with a kid, and your family will turn into an incredible country of individuals that I'll use to favor the entire world." This was dream worked out as expected for Abraham and Sarah for they had no youngsters; it gave them a seed of expectation. What's more, in the event that you read the account of Abraham and Sarah, your find that God does not make this guarantee just once, but rather no less than three times. "I will favor you with a kid, and through that youngster, I will favor the world!" What could be better?

There was just a single little issue! As Abraham became more seasoned and more established, there was still no youngster! In their 30s there was no youngster. In their 40s, still there was no kid. They wound up mature enough to get their AARP card, and still… no tyke. In their 70s, you got it—no tyke! It would not shock me to discover that sooner or later, Abraham and Sarah abandoned their fantasy. It would not amaze me to discover that they lost expectation in the fantasy and that they lost confidence in God's guarantees. 35 years is quite a while!

And afterward… THEN… one last time, they get three guests who say: "Hello, one year from now we'll be back and you'll have a child."

Also, Sarah LAUGHED! I don't know I would point the finger at her! At the point when the guests tested her, she denied it. Furthermore, the guest (God!) stated, "Gracious yes—you laughed!" Perhaps the implicit words in that response were "Simply you sit back and watch!" In this trade we have a picture of God who understood and was very arranged to join the funniness of the circumstance.


Be that as it may, God has the last giggle! Since in a year, at age 90, Sarah holds an infant child. She names him Isaac, which signifies "Chuckling."

Presently… we could invest some energy attempting to make sense of whether this story is genuine as in we consider something that is verifiable – chronicled. In any case, we're not going to do that, since we would absolutely overlook what's really important. The fact of the matter isn't whether Abraham and Sarah can have a youngster in their maturity. The fact of the matter is the thing that the story informs us regarding God: god's identity and what God's heart resembles.

You know, similar to a considerable measure of youngsters, I totally cherished Christmas when I was a tyke. In any case, as I developed more established, Christmas appeared to change. Also, I lamented that Christmas wasn't as supernatural as it used to be. It wasn't until the point that I was in middle school (kind of a combination of center school and secondary school for you Ohioans) was until the point when middle school that I came to see Christmas in another light.

Around then, my sister and her significant other lived only two houses up the road from my folks' home. One Christmas Eve, I was going by them and the young ladies, my nieces, were sleeping—ideally snoozing. Susan and John were assembling a somewhat huge doll house for my nieces. I began to help; it too for… ever. I think we at last completed it around 3 AM on Christmas morning.

I strolled home, blurred looked at and gigantically drained. Obviously, I wasn't there when my nieces descended the stairs on Christmas morning. I was still sleeping! However, when my folks and I strolled up for the road for Christmas supper, the delight on my nieces' appearances made everything advantageous. They were all the while radiating and needed to demonstrate to me every one of the fancy odds and ends. It was then that I discovered that the main thing more noteworthy than their happiness and pleasure was my bliss and have a great time watching them.

One thing that the tale of Abraham and Sarah lets us know is this is the thing that God resembles. God resembles a parent who takes pleasure in charming us. God is unwavering, notwithstanding when we lose confidence. God is capable, notwithstanding when we are most certainly not. God is the person who has a great time transforming our pity into bliss. Nothing is too hard for God, as, it's never too late for us.

So… you may ask yourself: will we generally get what we need in the event that we simply hold up sufficiently long? Sorry… .no. The Bible is quite clear about that. God isn't Santa Claus. We don't generally get what we need.

Be that as it may, the Bible is additionally VERY evident that God IS unwavering. God is loyal to God's guarantee to love us. God is unwavering to dependably be with us. God is loyal to bring light into our haziness. God is dedicated to transform our grieving into euphoria. God is unwavering to move us from deadness to aliveness.

Notwithstanding when we are encountering the dull night of the spirit, those circumstances when confidence appear to surrender us, God is reliable.

A lady lost her life partner to a sudden heart assault. They had been one of those indistinguishable couples who finish each other's sentences and still took a gander at each other like love birds following quite a while of marriage. The lady was crushed, saying: "I'll never know love again." That's the manner by which it felt and looked to her.

Be that as it may, God was loyal. When she questioned God's presence, God never quit having faith in her. God attempted to recuperate her through her pain gathering, and her family and companions. God held her heart, until the point that it was prepared to open once more. Furthermore, open it did. What's more, as she and her life partner were arranging their wedding, she could mirror that losing her significant other was not what she needed, but rather amidst everything, God had been unwavering. Nothing is too hard for God, as it's never too late for us.

Along these lines, on the off chance that you are here today and you are encountering that dull night of the spirit, on the off chance that you are the place that lady was, whether you are the place Abraham and Sarah were, whether you are enticed to abandon your fantasies, on the off chance that you feel like it's too late for you, on the off chance that you ponder whether God has abandoned you, DON'T GIVE UP HOPE!

Keep in mind Abraham and Sarah. Set out to accept what the present Scripture announces is valid: God is loyal. Nothing is too hard for God as, it's never too late for you!

What's more, on the off chance that you are not encountering that dull night of the spirit at the present time, know that you may well run into each other this week with somebody who is. Trust that God may pick God's loyalty through you. God may utilize your listening ear, your entered nearness, your warm grasp or your uplifting statements to convey the acknowledgment of God's dependability to another person.

Since Abraham and Sarah's may have happened long back, yet God's story is as yet being composed—in you and through you. Since NOTHING IS TOO HARD FOR GOD, IT'S NEVER TOO LATE FOR YOU. What's more, for that, we can express gratefulness to God. Amen


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