in #steemchurch6 years ago

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It is not the gift of Criticism
Many people claim no responsibility for their criticism of others, under the guise of saying that they "discern such and such." The truth is that we are always responsible for our words because "out ofthe overflow ofthe heart, the mouth speaks" (Matt 12:34). Ifwe are gossiping, backbiting, dishonoring, or smearing anyone, we need to stop and repent. Be careful not to make discerning ofspirits an ugly thing to others by misrepresenting it in this way. Typically, when criticism and complaining about others is taking place, discernment is not in action. Where there is a lack ofprayer, complaining will fill that void.

If we are going to look at people through Jesus' eyes, then we can't be carrying a record of wrongs and suspecting wrong of others.

It is not the gift of Suspicion
Whether out of emotional wounds or a bad past experience with an individual, we can easily slip into suspicion. First Corinthians 13:5 says, "Love keeps no record of wrongs." Most often suspicion is built upon a record of some sort, whether from firsthand experience or second -hand gossip from someone else.

If we are going to look at people through Jesus' eyes, then we can't be carrying a record of wrongs and suspecting wrong of others. Please for your own sake and for clear discernment, forgive the record and repent for having held it.

It is not a gift of Manipulation
This is a question of motives. When someone says, "1 discern that you and such." It carries more weight than if someone just gives you his or her opinion F they are not really listening to the Holy Spirit and speaking out they are actually using the Lord's name in vain. My definition ofusing the Lord's in vain is putting the weight of "God said"behind anything He didn't actuallysay.

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This also happens frequently with the gift of prophecy. Unfortunately,peopk who don't feel that they will be listened to, will sometimes make it seem like
Lord gave them a "word" or "discernment." This is dangerous ground to be on. These gifts are not to be used to control or manipulate others. The gifts are tobe used to build up the Church (see 1 Cor. 12:7) not to tear her down.

It is not the gift of Condemnation

Romans 8:1 says, "There is now no condemnation for those who are in
Jesus." I would say that since there is no condemnation for us, then we should hayr none in us to give to others. We are not carriers of condemnation—we see theworld through Jesus' eyes and He is the one who said that He did not come to condemnthe world. "For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, buttosax the world through him" (John 3:17). It is never the job of a Christian to condemn.

It is not, "only a deliverance tool"
This is a common misunderstanding. Many in the church have been taughtto relegate the gift of discerning of spirits to deliverance ministry only. I believeth* this has caused the gift to be minimized and ignored.

The truth is that this gift picks up on four different categories of spirits,0f one of them being the demonic. We are in great need of this gift in all four areas to say that it only relates to deliverance is wasteful.

What if I truly discern something negative about someone?it is true that a small percentage of discerning of spirits will discern the sin negative parts of other individuals. We must properly process this information no way should this information turn into slander. The only reason the Holy is entrusting it to you is so that you can either pray on their behalf or bring into healing (CAI 6: l, 2). The best example of this is in the story of Jesus to the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4. He did not bring condemn— pure love. He spoke directly to her. He in no way slandered her to Others

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