in #steemchurch7 years ago

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Contentment is the state of being content; while content means to be satisfied with what ones has, not wanting, more, happy. Following from above, does it mean that any desire to want more is deemed as an act of covetousness or lack of contentment ??

That is, when one desires a higher pay, better job, better accommodation, financial increase or when one aspires to be great; are these proofs of lack of contentment.

If I long for a promotion or a change of status; does this means I am greedy or covetous??
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See, while greed means excessive and selfish desire for wealth, powers, fame etc, to be covetous is having or showing a strong desire to possess (especially something that belongs to someone else)

Following from above, it very possible for one to aspire for greatness or an increase in financial status without being greedy or covetous

However, considering the definition of contentment, will it be wrong or out of place to even aspire for greatness or to desire a better status? In appraising this, we paul
a perusal into some scriptural injunctions

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Apostle Paul began to lend his in support of the Gospel of contentment. And to this he opined
1 Timothy 6:5b-6
supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself. [6] But godliness with contentment is great gain.
He was simply saying that there be those who think that godliness is a tool or weapon of amassing wealth or achieving greatness

And to them, they chose to be godly because of the purported gain associated with it. However, he was quick to refute that assertion when he stated categorically:but godliness with contentment is great gain

The point being made by him is that godliness (to a believer) though, the bedrock of fruitfulness Job 36:11 KJV
If they obey and serve him , they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures.
However, it should be synergized or married with contentment, so that greediness or covetousness may not be the order of the day

Hmmm! godliness (married) with contentment is great gain if you......... Supposing that gain is godliness. l, however, submit that there is greater gain when holiness is married to contentment(paraphrased)

Knowing fully well that:1 Timothy 6:7-8 KJV
For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. [8] And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.
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The contentment he advocated here was to curb every form of excesses, greed and covetousness. He was nor saying that as long as you eat and have clothes to put on, you should be okey with that, without wantingn anything more

Moreover, contentmenis a vitrue that the church needs to imbibe. It is sine qua non or imperative in our walk with God, as it checkmate our excesses, greediness and covetousness. To be content in whatever level as a believer is to be appreciative to God and be satisfied with it as that time; while trusting Him for a higher level

In Hebrews 13:5 KJV
Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.

Conclusively, implore you to imbibe the very words of apostle paul
Philippians 4:11-13 KJV
Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. [12] I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. [13] I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

The point being made is that whichever level or state you are or find yourself, you have to be grateful and appreciative to God, while in anticipation for a higher level


Moreover, contentment is a virtue that the church needs to imbibe. It is imperative in our walk with God, as it checkmate our excesses, greediness and covetousness.

Wonderful insight here thanks for sharing with STEEMCHURCH keep up the good work SILVA. PEACE!



Very true brother iksilva "The point being made is that whichever level or state you are or find yourself, you have to be grateful and appreciative to God, while in anticipation for a higher level"

Good post!!
Human being is a creature who will never be thankful for blessing as if he is blessed with all blessing or not!
This is totally wrong practise a human should be thankful for each and every thing!
He should also be thankful if he awakes in the morning in sense that GOD has given him more chance to prove himself towards GOD!

Well said tanks for reading

Good post are worth for reading!

Greed, envy, covetousness etc. are products of lack of contentment. This has eaten deep into so many people. Thanks for this enlightenment @iksilver

Being satisfied with what you have is a Christian lifestyle. Many has sold their destiny for a morsel of bread just to acquire earthly things because their friends or neighbors has them. May God help His people. God bless you for this post @iksilva

Contentment isn’t a matter with being content with your situation in life and never trying to improve it. It’s a matter of being content with what you have but realizing that as humans, we will always try to improve, no matter how happy we are. If we don’t, we have given up on life. Stay bless silva!

Thanks for this @iksilva

Contentment and godliness cannot be wave away in the journey of Christianity.
To be content is to have a heart of gratitude in whatever position we find ourselves.
Is to have an attitude of Thanksgiving and believing that God can make things better.

Without contentment we are doomed as Christians, that's why it's necessary to live a godly life where we are satisfied with everything we own and not exhibit greediness

"Following from above, it very possible for one to aspire for greatness or an increase in financial status without being"
Let us endeavour to do more of his biddings than ours

Covetousness is likened to greed or it is greed itself there are dangerous consequences of being greedy. We should always be contempted with what we have irrespective of what we have we should always take the pain and adore and glorify God.In the book of Matthew we were made to understand that our lives are better than meat and our body more than raiment so we should learn to give God thanks for our lives before thinking of materialistic possessions.
It is a virtue that is contentment we all ought to have because it serve as a watchdog to our excesses,covetousness and greed.Note this don't quote me wrong it is not bad to aspire for greatness but not at the expense of committing atrocities or any other horrible wickedness like what's associated with greed. A greedy person is capable of any evil or good thing just to achieve a certain goal.
We should be contempted and not self-centered like we shouldn't think about others before diverting much needed attention to ourselves.

Tanks for this wonderful addition

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