RE: Spiritual Leadership In The Home
This is as great message. However the Bible has told us explicitly that all humans are Gods creation and they have been created equal. However in the home, God has also directed that there should be a head. Making it more clearly, there should be a spiritual head and a leader all rounder. He is the head not as a dictator but one who takes all suggestions from all parties (wife and children) and make a reasonable conclusion. This is the command from God. God has made man the spiritual head of the home and he is designed to make provisions for all the spiritual and physical need of the home. However, the woman is not designed to be resting . She is designed to assist the husband in his endeavours. As a man who is married, the only best advisor you have is your wife. You will be very foolish to disregard her suggestions. This is because that's what she is designed to do. She is a help mate. Therefore, the fact that the man is the spiritual head of the home and the woman is the help mate , it doesn't mean that the woman and the man are in different league. You may just see it that there roles in the home differs. Everyone just wants to be In a situation where they are calling the shots. But it doesn't always have to be like that. Christ is the head of the home and the man is the spiritual head of the Family unit. But as a man ,.you are supposed to model your leadership style after Jesus. Servant leadership is best style leadership you can adopt. When Christ was on Earth, He went about doing so many great things undermining Himself. thanks for sharing