spiritual ears

in #steemchurch6 years ago

At the point when Jesus revealed to His followers that John came in the spirit of Elijah, it was without a doubt a hard truth for them to acclimatize. He included, "he that hath ears to hear, let him hear". It is clear that the individuals who were tuning in to Him talk had physical ears. However, only one out of every odd one of them had spiritual ears that could hear significant spiritual truth.

Just before Jesus put forth the expression above, He stated: "And if ye will get it, this is Elias, which was for to come" (Matt. 11:14 KJV). He let them know "if ye will get it," that is if you can get reality. Truth is in different levels. Not every person can deal with profound spiritual facts. Our capacity to get and process and absorb this spiritual truth is the spiritual ear Jesus was alluding to in this content.

The sacred writing has realities that shift in their profundities. The Lord calls some spiritual truth drain implied for darlings in the confidence, and He calls more significant facts meat that is for the spiritually develop ( Heb. 5:13-14). The Lord needed to show me this rule as a priest.

You have to serve truth as indicated by the ears of the listeners. There are treasures in the sacred texts with respect to every one of the leaps forward that numerous individuals are searching for. If we have ears, we will hear and get. The Lord is as yet saying to us today, that whoever has ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit of God is stating.

Proclaim that "my ears are open, and I hear what the Spirit of the Lord is stating to the Churches".
Do you have ears? Do you hear? Do you hear God's voice in the sacred writings? Do you hear God's voice in your heart? Jesus says the individuals who have ears ought to hear. Build up your ears. Develop in spiritual development.


Good to hear from you hrent, Thanks for sharing with Us!


The scriptures contain hidden treasures, but it is from the children of God discovering that treasure, there we find life and fulfillment to grow in the stature of the perfect man, thank you for your teaching the Lord is saying today that we should pay attention to what that the Spirit means, we are in the final times and we must know as children of God in what time we are living, and at the time it is approaching. God bless you @hrent

Sometimes spiritual ears become blocked as a result of sin, we as Christians needs to listen when God is talking and to be able to do this, we must blot out sins which makes this very impossible, that's when we get to activate our spiritual ears.

We must ask the Holy Spirit to help us understand and identify the voice of God and differentiate it from our own voice and that of others. very good your publication.

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