in #steemchurch6 years ago

God bless you all.

(Luke 15: 11-32)

11 He also said: A man had two sons;
12 and the youngest of them said to his father: Father, give me the part of the property that corresponds to me; and he distributed the goods to them.
13 Not many days later, when the younger son gathered all together, he went away to a secluded province; and there he squandered his property by living lost.
14 And when he had wasted all, there came a great famine in that province, and he began to be lacking.
15 And he went and stood by one of the citizens of that land, who sent him to his farm to feed swine.
16 And he wished to fill his belly with the carob that the swine ate, but no one gave him.
17 And when he came to himself, he said: How many hired servants in my father's house have an abundance of bread, and here I perish with hunger!
18 I will rise up and go to my father, and I will say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you.
19 I am no longer worthy to be called your son; Make me like one of your day laborers.
20 And rising up, he came to his father. And when he was still far away, his father saw him, and was moved with mercy, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him.
21 And the son said to him, "Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you, and I am no longer worthy to be called your son.
22 But the father said to his servants, Bring out the best garment, and clothe him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet.
23 And bring the fatted calf and kill it, and let us eat and feast;
24 because this my dead son was, and has revived; It was lost, and it is found. And they began to rejoice.
25 And his eldest son was in the field; and when he came, and came near the house, he heard music and dances;
26 and calling one of the servants, asked what it was.
27 He said to him, "Your brother has come; and your father has killed the fat calf, for having received him good and healthy.
28 Then he was angry, and he did not want to enter. His father left, and begged him to enter.
29 But he answered and said to his father, "Behold, I have served you for so many years, never having disobeyed you, and you have never given me a kid to enjoy with my friends."
30 But when your son came, who has consumed your possessions with harlots, you have killed the fatted calf for him.
31 He said to him, "Son, you are always with me, and all my things are yours.
32 But it was necessary to celebrate and rejoice, because this your brother was dead, and has been revived; It was lost, and it is found.



  • God is our Father and will always love us despite the mistakes and decisions we make, we must know that God will never abandon us and will always resurrect us in his arms when we realize that we have sinned.

  • God fights for his children in spite of seeing that we sin and we reveal ourselves in doing what we want. He leaves us in free alveldrio but pending that at some point we will return to Him.
    And God works in mysterious ways allowing his will so that we realize when we make some mistake and He is prepared to live with us.

That's why I remember this parable of the prodigal son, he took a bad decision and left many disasters until he was left with nothing, but his father only expected him to return.

  • If we see the parabola well he asked his father for the part of the property that was his, the father knowing that his son was making a bad decision to leave he did not claim or curse him, he simply handed over his share of the goods He touched him and he left.

  • It is like a blindfold in the eyes of people who make bad decisions but that person who loves you and knows the mistake you make and try to explain that what is wrong is wrong, that person does not know then only let him do it What do you want to do and start fighting for yours, in prayer spiritual fight never give up intersecting for that son / daughter, brother / sister, father mother, husband / a. because if you do not lose them.

  • As the father of the prodigal son blessed him and was sure that at some point he would return recognizing that sin, he never tired of waiting to fight for his own and there when from afar that came, he felt joy was full of mercy ran and I resivio kissed his neck and organized a great party for him, I send him to find the best dress. And the son was embarrassed and recognizing that he had been wrong, he said to him: I have sinned against heaven and against you. The father did not care because he had already forgiven him and managed to recover that son who had left his fight made his son return to him.

What happens now? What did the father say to the older son who got upset when he found out about all this? "Son, you are always with me, and all my things are yours." But it was necessary to celebrate and rejoice, because this brother was dead and has been revived, lost and found.

So what happens when you do not do what the father of the prodigal son did?

Depending on the case, instead of the father blessing his son who has made a bad decision and fight for him, they do the opposite they curse him and even tell him that he does not dare to return if you do what you should not do. When you can get that son back, when he thought of going back home with his father if he would rather do it, then you lose to your loved one a son for not fighting for him.

The same thing can happen with marriages you must understand that the wife or husband that God gave you and you married should not let go if they are going through problems regardless of who is the wrong person and what is wrong doing just leave him alone do not argue and fight over Yours, get into your room and begin to intersect making prayer rooms for that person you love you do not want to lose, because when you fight God will and that person will change and come back to you acknowledging his mistake and you must be prepared as God is to resive him in your arms and celebrate for his return because he was revived when he was dead.

  • It is to know that when people act badly they are blindfolded at that moment they do not understand anything, even if you explain they will not understand it and rather they will see you as the enemy, that is normal for that reason you must fight for it because they will not fall into reason until that they go through the worst and that bandage is ripped off and they return home, it is where we see that the fight for yours will always have good results and you will never lose anything of what God

  • Because you see many broken marriages, children who leave home, problems between families that never fix, lose friends, even nations fall and do not get up because simply and very serious not to fight for yours but you surrender and curse They are bandaged.

  • The good thing about fighting for yours is that you always recover everything, the good thing about when they go back to live realize they failed.

The most beautiful thing is to be prepared to resive them in our arms by kissing their necks and preparing a great celebration because he had died but has returned to relive.


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