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RE: Peace Brother – 2 Corinthians 13:11

“Aim for perfection” I believe this is so important because outright hypocrisy is one of the first things outsiders notice. It’s so sad how many people are turned away from God because they see “believers” not living out what they preach.
I watched Steve’s chat with Jon Pounders and he talked about how we are like those in Judges. They had no king, and they were interpreting the Torah in more than one way. I find it encouraging that we’re not the first ones dealing with this.
“Live in peace” I don’t struggle with this as much as I did in the beginning. I’m coming to terms that I can deliver a message without expecting to change anyone’s mind.


I watched that as well! I suppose it is encouraging but at the same time His prophets would come and call people back to repentance and back to God's law/commandments. But yet the people still wanted to do....Judges 17:6 "In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes."

May HE return soon and straighten out this sinful fallen world and show His people how and what we should be that point we will all finally be one!

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