STEEMCHURCH- It Doesn't Take Much To Be Bold

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Intensity is essential since we don't need our lives to be lived futile. We would prefer not to arrive at the finish of our lives—our employments, our services, our families—and say, "It's vacant. Nothing happened. There was no impact that made a difference. It was all futile." We would best for us not to feel that or for us to say that. Thus intensity is important to shield that from happening—with the goal that our lives are not futile.



With the goal that Our Lives Are Not in Vain

I see this in 1 Thessalonians 2:1– 2 where Paul depicts what happened when he originated from Philippi to Thessalonica, and lived and served among the Thessalonians:

For you yourselves know, brethren, that our coming to you was not in vain [why not?], but after we had already suffered and been mistreated in Philippi, as you know, we had the boldness in our God to speak to you the gospel of God amid much opposition.



Paul's life in Thessalonica had not been futile—despite the fact that he remained a generally brief time. Also, the reason his life there was not vacant and insufficient was on account of he had strength in God, and talked the gospel with bravery.

So what we realize is that the reason strength is required is that it shields our lives from being futile. It makes the most of our lives. It shields us from reaching the end and saying, "Nothing happened. There was no criticalness. I lived futile."



To ensure that, it will be best if I should call attention to something amazing about this content. It begins in verse 1 by alluding to the end result for the Thessalonians: "Our coming to you was not futile." That is, something so pellucid . We didn't serve without impact. You were changed.

Presently what I would expect after an announcement like that is some delineation of the impact of Paul's service in the lives of the Thessalonians. Something like: "It get to your knowledge that our coming forth to
you was not futile . . . for you abandoned icons, and put stock in Christ as Lord and Savior, and you quit lying and taking and abhorring, and you began thinking about each other and sharing things and adoring your foes and worshiping the genuine God."



Yet, the paramount thing is that for 10 verses (2– 11) there isn't single word about the impact of Paul's service on the Thessalonians when he came. Rather the entire 10 verses depicts Paul's life and service.


Just like Paul the apostle, one of his major strenghts was boldness

Boldness is a life kit for success

Great post

Warm regards


Indeed you got a clear picture of the whole thing. thanks for coming by.

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The boldness of the word of God, the bible says in

Act 4:13 Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus..
Jesus Is the only Boldness we need to have as christian..
Two men Peter and John they were uneducated, but because they know they carry that Name Jesus.. All is well.. Thanks @hboi

ACTS 4:1
An undeniable sign of the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit is boldness. What is boldness? "It is the inner delight of a liberated person expressed in daring."
In the midst of human weakness and the timid nature of religion, the great need is for boldness...boldness in loving...forgiving...speaking the truth in love...and obedience to the will of God that is revealed to us in prayer.
Boldness is the key to the 4th chapter of Acts, and the center point of this section is found in verse 13: "When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus."
The word boldness means "telling all" "to pour forth, like pouring water out of a cup." It's the conviction, communication and character that are based on undeniable truth and experience.
Boldness is something that captures attention...compelling people to listen. It combines the emphasis of "I know this is true because it happened to me" with a clear "Thus saith the Lord."
It is rooted in scripture and also personal communion with the Lord. There is no apology for it or in it. True boldness, which comes from being with Jesus, is not brash, hard, or arrogant...but attractive and clear, confident because we know that He has won the battle with death, Satan, and the world.
The apostles had a holy boldness. They were possessed by a great passion that was motivated by their experience of Jesus, His resurrection, and His return in power in the Holy Spirit.

Boldness comes when you're free, when you're not in bandage of the blackmail that comes from sin. The Word of God reveals our true identity and gives us divine boldness. This is what have Apostle paul the courage to withstand the persecutions he faced during his ministry. Though he was in chains and prisoned, yet he enjoyed freedom from above, he never considered himself in bond.

This is the same boldness our dearly beloved @darleny01 utilize in coordinating our parishioners in Venezuela. I wish her more boldness and grace of leadership.

Whn we are in christ, we are bold. We need christ to be bold. When we are in christ, we are above sin. We as christains we ought to be as bold as the lion. We ought to be fearless.

wow great post thanks for sharing with us all ialways follow you for more good blog lie this

Very quality and interesting content
Boldness is a quality every human must helps in every area of life
Thanks for sharing

If you are not bold in your witness, if you are not courageous and risk-taking in your ventures of righteousness, if you are not open and straightforward in your speech, it may be that your hope is defective.

Perhaps you are hoping in the wrong things to make your future happy. Perhaps you have never really thought seriously about the relationship between the strength of your hope and the boldness of your service to Christ. But Paul says there is a very close relationship: “Since we have such a hope, we are very bold.”

Boldness comes with the Hope of Glory and the freedom of Christ. Thank you

A verifiable indication of the indwelling energy of the Holy Spirit is strength. What is intensity? "It is the inward enjoyment of a freed individual communicated in brave."

Amidst human shortcoming and the shy idea of religion, the colossal need is for boldness...boldness in loving...forgiving...speaking reality in love...and submission to the will of God that is uncovered to us in supplication.

Intensity is the way to the fourth part of Acts, and the middle purpose of this area is found in verse 13: "When they saw the valor of Peter and John and understood that they were unschooled, normal men, they were dumbfounded and they observed that these men had been with Jesus."

The word strength signifies "telling all" "to pour forward, such as spilling water out of a container." It's the conviction, correspondence and character that depend on verifiable truth and experience.

Intensity is something that catches attention...compelling individuals to tune in. It joins the accentuation of "I know this is genuine in light of the fact that it transpired" with an unmistakable "Subsequently saith the Lord."

It is established in sacred text and furthermore individual fellowship with the Lord. There is no conciliatory sentiment for it or in it. Genuine strength, which originates from being with Jesus, isn't reckless, hard, or arrogant...but appealing and clear, sure in light of the fact that we realize that He has won the fight with death, Satan, and the world.

The missionaries had a sacred intensity. They were controlled by an awesome energy that was propelled by their experience of Jesus, His restoration, and His arrival in control in the Holy Spirit.

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