STEEMCHURCH: is good to be back!!!

in #steemchurch6 years ago


One fabulous thing that happened to me this year, was being among the family called steemchurch family. Being a parishioner on this platform has really helped me in so many ways, meeting different people of different colour with a brilliant view about the bible, making my Christian life grow each day.


[my design]

School life has really not being fun for me, being in a discipline(ENGINEERING) where the school can't give you a ground to breathe, each day in engineering tend to display a stressful day for me and being stock in this stress for four years in the university is something I won't love to do again.



[where I read]

Being among the best in my course of study is something I always try to maintain although it's really taking a lot from me and also trying to finance myself through my schooling without any external support, has really being hell for me. thanks to steemit and in most expecially, to a man that has really change my life in everyway @sirknight and now I can indeed open my books to read without any school and personal financial fear.


Managing steemit and my book work for me is all about time until when what every student hates visited ( Examination ). I had to sacrifices all my time to ensure I maintain my dream, getting stock with reading the whole 24hour (i miss sleeping on my bed) and the only time I get is the time giving to breath and this has really affected my health and also my financial life (spending a lot on feeding and getting books) because I stopped steeming but I had to choice, I wish to recover from those back.

I'm really happy to be back to the place i call home #steemchurch.


[my design]



Thanks for sharing with Us @STEEMCHURCH!



Welcome back home brother nice design good to have you back

you are most welcome @hboi. we really do hope your exams went well.

Is only yesterday I asked myself where is brother @hboi. Is good to have you back. I was having an exams but am back with my full potential as a parishioner . Good to see you back brother @hboi

Your self votes will be countered by @sadkitten for 1 week starting Sunday, April 29th 2018, 6:59 because your account is one of the highest self voters. For more details see this post.

Good to have you back Hboi!

I was like a wanderer when I first joined steemit and if it hadn't been for the love and support I received from my team in Ghana I would have left steemit long ago.

I tried finding my way on steemit and looking for where i will feel belonging. I felt like. .. are Christians on steemit? You make a religious post and you hardly get votes, I stopped writing on christian stuff because I wasn't getting any votes.

@steemchurch under the support of @sirknight has made me realised the need to promote our kingdom on steemit and I remain thankful to them for supporting Christians here, God bless you @sirknight.

Indeed steemchurch is a good place to call a home, welcome back @hboi

Welcome back happy@hboi, steemchurch missed you and your wonderful designs!!

Is good to have you back @hboi, have missed all your amazing work and outstanding post, welcome back home

Bro, school is not easy at all, it's very difficult, you see lectures trying to frustrate you, lack of money trying to way you down, but still yet we'll all make it...

God is our strength.

Hboi its good to have tou back although some of us never asked where you went or what made you to stay off for some time but all is well we will be expecting your contribution.

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