in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

[my little design]

I tend to disagree that CHRISTIANITY IS NOT A RELIGION. I don't think so. In the event that Christianity is a religion, at that point we would presume that whatever God the Father, Jesus the Son and God the Holy Spirit got ready for manking is a minor religion? On the off chance that Christianity is a religion, at that point God didn't need to send Jesus, His own particular Son to set up it. The goal of the arrangement of salvation that started after man trespassed and was thrown out of Eden was not to set up a religion.

Christianity is a lifestyle rather not a religion



The Acts of the Apostles record it that the pupils were first called Christians at Antioch. If it's not too much trouble take note of that Jesus never gave his educates any aggregate name/title/portrayal, neither did he leave any guideline to that impact. Every one of the Pharisees, Sadicees, etc..cees at the season of Jesus never alluded to Jesus/His followers as Christians.

At the point when Jesus was on earth, the attention was on Him – He was the focal point of fascination. He was the person who won the ubiquity challenge among his supporters. In the event that reality, He nearly couldn't be openly recognized/chosen from the pupils, that is the reason Judas was selected to give "the genuine Jesus" a kiss – so the correct individual could be captured. Jesus was the person who lectured the sermons, He was the person who recuperated the debilitated and raised the dead, He was the person who sustained the eager, He was the person who played out every one of the supernatural occurrences. The Phariceess, Saducees, and all different religious pioneers around then tuned in to Jesus' lessons, they knew there was a man named Jesus. Also, for each seemingly insignificant detail that occurred among the followers, they returned to Jesus for the subsequent stage forward. No one made a big deal about the followers. Jesus was the concentration, not His devotees – not Peter, not James, not John, not even Judas who deceived him.

What's more, after Jesus went up into Heaven, His supporters were said to have proceeded with "day by day in the sanctuary" simply like Jesus did; living day in and out, much the same as Jesus did. Their activities, in-activities, interests, discourse, affiliation, physical appearance, otherworldly perspective; whatever pulled in their consideration, whatever maintained/repulsed their enthusiasm, everything about their regular day to day existence must have so looked like that of Jesus that the general population at Antioch couldn't call them by some other name. In the event that the followers have veered off from the Jesus way of life, their quick condition of individuals won't have called them Christians.



The residents at Antioch, in the wake of watching the way of life of these devotees nicknamed them Christians. I ponder: they could have imagined that the name "Christian", where "Christ" was inclusive(the beginning stage) was the most proper portrayal of whatever perceptions they('Antiochites') accumulated about the pupils. The main thing that crossed the psyche of the general population at Antioch as they watched the followers was the name "Christ". The supporters more likely than not talked, strolled, lectured, recuperated the wiped out, raised the dead, cast out devils, lived openly and secretly precisely like Jesus – to be named after Him.

Christianity isn't a religion, it is a way of life: a way of life that is synonymous to that of Jesus; a way of life that helps our general surroundings to remember only one man – Jesus; a way of life that helps individuals to remember Calvary, the He who was killed on it and the motivation behind why He kicked the bucket; one that focuses them to the cross; a way of life of adoration and activities that spell great and support toward each of the; a way of life of transparency, absolution, forbearing, peace and agreement towards all men. Christianity is a way of life that tries to do the will of God the Father – to obey God as opposed to men. Christianity is a way of life that affections to the end; one that isn't self serving, one that looks for no reprisal to transgressors; one that tries to give without expecting returns – the life of forfeit, the way of life of Jesus.

What's more, is this way of life extremely new? Is it accurate to say that it was Jesus that begun it? No. A few people who lived before Jesus had satisfied God with their lives.

  • Was Abraham a Christian? No, yet he conversed with God, he was called Gods Friend.

  • Was Moses a Christian? No, yet God so uncovered Himself to him that his(Moses) confront shone. Indeed, God covered Moses when he passed on.

  • Was Jacob a Christian? No, yet with all his good and bad times throughout everyday life, he battled with a blessed messenger until the point that his name got changed.

  • Was Elijah a Christian? No, yet he satisfied so well that God sent one of His chariots God to lift him up to Heaven – alive.

  • Was Elisha a Christian, No, yet he had twice of Elijah's blessing. He didn't neglect to illustrate "the God of Elijah".

The numerous prophets of old were not Christians, yet they had associations with God that showed in their regular daily existence.

All the above, and numerous more in the Bible had staggering associations with God that influenced God to do the additional common in their lives and through them.

On the off chance that Christianity is a religion, at that point it may be the same as the numerous religions in our present day world where the real point isn't having a constructive outcome in the present, yet following an arrangement of guidelines to pass an examination for endlessness. Sadly, such individuals end up futile and superfluous to their quick condition.

Going to the new-confirmation, was Jesus Himself a Christian? No, He was the child of God. He had an association with God. He took guidelines from God.

Is it accurate to say that he were supporters Christians, No? they were called Christians in light of the fact that their lifestyle could be compressed by the words "Jesus the Christ".

At that point I would state that a definitive objective of everyman ought to be to have an association with God that shows emphatically in the way we experience our lives. In any case, God didn't abandon us in disarray. Without Jesus, individuals who have faith in God would have meandered who they could take after. Which prophet would be the managing light? Who is the best/most prominent among the prophets? Be that as it may, God sent His lone Son, Jesus and set Him as a definitive case for devotees to take after.



Consider this: before a genuine Christian makes a move, he or she would ask: what might Jesus truly do in this circumstance? Whatever Jesus would have done, whatever He could have stated, wherever He would have gone to, whatever choice/conclusion He would have picked, whatever stand Jesus would have taken is the thing that a genuine Christian would do.


We are glad we found your post @hboi

Christianity is a way of life that affections to the end;
one that isn't self serving
one that looks for no reprisal to transgressors; one that tries to give without expecting returns – the life of forfeit, the way of life of Jesus.

Nice read



Christianity isn't a religion, it is a way of life:
a way of life that is synonymous to that of Jesus; a way of life that helps our general surroundings to remember only one man – Jesus

I think you chose a very important topic to discuss today @hboi
Christianity is not a religion. Rather, it is a way of life, and we should see it that way.

I strongly support you on this, Christianity is not a religion, is a way of life, as a believer our priority should be that we want to know God, I'm not a Christian I serve God

Christianity is not a religion and has been a way of life and will continue to be ......For if we live we live for christ
and if we die we die for Christ.....Thanks @hbio

Christianity isnt a religion, its a way of life.
Our quality of life reflects our value as christians.

Christianity is about living the life of Christ, we live this kind of life as the spirit of God inspires us and directs us and this is what makes Christianity so unique @hboi

Yeah bro.
Christianity is the act of living like christ on earth. It is a lifestyle that mimics that of Christ Jesus

This is wonderful, am glad I read it, Christianity is a way of life, a life of Christ.

Christianity isn't a religion, it is a way of life: a way of life that is synonymous to that of Jesus; a way of life that helps our general surroundings to remember only one man – Jesus

I keep saying this,its good to know that you feel same way, it is a way of life, we emulate christ and live for the glory of his name.

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