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RE: Steemchurch- Walking In Dominion.

in #steemchurch7 years ago

If the goal of Christian life is to search for God, approaching to Him, in becoming like God, without gaining responsibility for ensuring that any movement in this direction loses its meaning. In the Scriptures God reveals Himself as a Person as responsible for Himself and His creation.
"Faith, trust, raises the question of liability on the trust. Rarely, however, talking about the responsibility of God before he created the world; however, it is the main difficulty, which meet not only unbelievers, but sometimes, and believers. What is the position of God towards the world which He created — uninvited, without the participation of this world — and that is for thousands of years in such a tragic, sometimes painful condition? Really all boils down to the fact that God is a unilateral act of His will, called into being the whole universe and sometime later meet him again face to face not as a Creator but as a Judge? Where is the truth where is the justice? Where is the opportunity for the universe to realize itself, like the face of a severe, harsh God, and in the absence of It? On this subject I would like to say a few words.
First, something about creation. God does for the believer is the Creator of the world. But the act of creation is not as simple as it seems. It is not the same
what the Almighty God decides for some reason, for reasons unknown to us, to create a world and then to follow its development and expect the last judgment. It almost looks like an experiment: what happens? But it is not. The basis of the creative act of God is something much more. God creates this world; and at the same time calls him to such a fullness of being, which is to to share everything with God, to participate in His eternity, in His life; as the apostles say in their Epistles, the purpose of creation is for man to become a participant of the divine nature (2 pet. 1, 4), and for the world to reach such a state, when God will be all in all (1Cor. 15, 28), that is, as heat, as fire penetrates everything and makes the world a participant of eternal life. This is at the heart; man is called to become a participant in the life of God; and God, creating the person Himself gives. He not only brings to life some pathetic creature who will depend on Him; He raises to life a creature that will stand face to face with Him full; that face to face will be to communicate with Him. But because communication in some respect means self-restraint; creating a human, creating the world, God puts before Itself the interlocutor, which He must accept what he is and how he will make his will free. In this, the part of God, an act of true love and is very rare in our experience justice.
Because justice is what we often believe, as we often see: the ability to distribute or the right to reward and punish. Justice begins in the moment when we risk, sometimes with danger to our lives, to limit our existence agree to the existence, to a dynamic emergence of another personality. And recognize her right to be herself, and not just a reflection of our lives. This is the creative act of God. God calls us in Genesis, puts us in front of you and offers all He has, all that He has, to share with us; in our power to accept or refuse. On the part of God is the willingness to end to give Himself to us. God creates us not the simple act of the will, He works in the deepest smoothdude act of selfless love. The relationship between the creature and God starts with love... He calls us to be ourselves face to face in front of Him.
The Lord with full responsibility tells us about what He thinks, feels, cares about what is acceptable and what is unacceptable from His point of view, what He liked, what not. He defines Himself as Being separate from the act of His creation and from us. He tells us that He Is Love, Truth, Way, Life, Light.
Christians are called to become like Christ, finding His temper gaining the same properties that the Lord has. "From my Christian point of view, it seems to me God is not an irresponsible God Who created man, blessed him with this terrible freedom that could destroy everything and destroy everything, and then using the images of Ivan Karamazov — "waiting" somewhere in the end times the moment when He will judge and condemn because the person is not so he enjoyed this freedom. So God just doesn't seem. It seems to me God is a responsible God Who created man and life, but Which not only lies at the end of point totals. And the limit of this responsibility that God takes life and for His actions, for His creative act is the Incarnation, that God is a man, enters the story to end, immersed in her tragedy, and take steps to resolve the tragedy"
Man created in the image and likeness of God, but the Divine image has been obscured from him by sin. Responsibility, along with such Divine properties as simplicity, love, kindness, was originally laid down by God in human nature. Disobedience and the subsequent fall — irresponsible in relation to itself, the act of the first man, the burden of which we carry in centuries, passing on this legacy to future generations.
The sense of responsibility embedded in human nature by God, distorted by sin. Our Lord, Almighty God and Loving Father, was a model of responsibility. By creating man free, God in His omniscience knew that this freedom can be used by man for evil itself same. And therefore, the creation of a free man, the Lord took very seriously. Even before the creation of the world in the Eternal counsel, a decision was made about sending the only begotten Son of God for man's redemption, which He has given such wodoslawsky God Himself qualities of mind and freedom.
In sending his only-begotten Son to redeem mankind seems great and divine responsibility for His creation, a man who is unable to use the divine: the gift of freedom for their own benefit.

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