Use what God has put in your hands.

in #steemchurch6 years ago

God uses unexpected things and situations to cause miracles. Something that is really improbable so that the merit is only of faith. A serious mistake would be the use of objects as magical amulets. This type of belief, called 'animism' because it attributes life to inanimate things.

True faith has nothing material in idolatry because it is invisible, but it has the power to move mountains. God's purpose in using what we call tools to perform miracles is to show us that we have conditions to overcome difficulties with what is in our hands.


Do you need a miracle?

Use what God gave you

Staff (Moses)

The working tool of a shepherd is the cane or the edge. Moses learned to use this piece of wood to lean on the walk through the rocky mountains, to guide the flock and defend the wolves. But now God commands him to throw his staff on the ground and it has become a snake. The Lord said to him, "Take, for this staff in your hand, with which you will do the signs." This staff is used very often to perform miracles, which was called the "scourge of God."
With this stick Moses showed the power of God when his staff in a serpent devoured the rods of the Egyptian magicians. As this staff increased, the waters turned to blood, there were frogs that infested the earth. He touched himself with the stick in the sand and lice spread through Egypt. There was no hail, and a plague of locusts. With the rod of the sea open to people to pass. Rock gushed water when Moses only played with this staff. A battle was barely defeated with this erect staff.
This edge represents leadership. The rod was a symbol of grazing. Moses stopped being a shepherd of sheep to take care of lives guiding his people. Just as Moses had just his staff in hand, we also have conditions to receive miracles from God with the ability that the Lord gives us to lead his people.

trumpet (Joshua)

The people of God were conquering the promised land and they needed to overcome a great fortress in the city of Jericho. To the human eyes that city was insurmountable. Its wall was immense. Need many powerful weapons to tear down that wall. But God commands the people only to surround the city outside its walls for seven days. On the seventh day they did it seven times and in the latter, when the trumpets were blown, the people shouted loudly and the walls fell.
The trumpets are a symbol of praise. When we worship God, the strongholds of hell are hit. Everything that seems unattainable can be conquered in worship. When we do this we are declaring that we believe in such a way that we already thank the Lord. Before overcoming any barrier, we need to praise the Lord.

3- mantle (Elias and Elisha)

The mantle of Elijah was the only inheritance left for his successor Elisha. In truth, this was a powerful tool of miracles. With this mantle Elijah heard the voice of God while covering his face. Elijah Elisha chose to be his disciple casting the mantle in this. With this mantle Elias stopped the waters of the Jordan to pass and Elisha did the same to return.
This mantle can represent the responsibility of the prophetic ministry. As he moved his cloak, Elijah was placing on Elisha the task of continuing his work as a prophet in Israel. With that, we learn that our tasks are important commitments that we must take. When we are ready to exercise Christian service, God operates miracles throughout our lives.

4- Stone (David)

The people of God were being confronted by a giant named Goliath. No one dared to face this man in fear of his greatness. Even more were the blasphemy pronounced by this man who spoke of God and his people. But David felt a huge force within himself as he offered to fight with Goliath. Even after trying to use human weapons, David preferred to fight as he was accustomed, only with his shepherd's sling. One small stone was enough and the giant was defeated.
This smooth pebble of a stream symbolizes the name of the Lord. David declared that he would be looking towards the giant "in the name of the Lord" (I Samuel 17:45). The most powerful weapon we can use today is the name of Jesus, because there is no power superior to his name (Acts 4:12). Through the name of Jesus our prayers are answered and miracles (John 14.13,14). Before facing any problem, however great it may be, we must cry out to the name of Jesus.

5- Figs (Isaiah)

King Hezekiah was on the verge of death and became even worse when he received the news through the prophet Isaiah, that he should die. But Hezekiah prayed to God crying out for his mercy. The Lord heard his prayer and commanded the prophet Isaiah to return and give the good news that he would be healed. But Isaiah had to make a paste of figs and place the ulcer where the king was.
The fig paste is actually a sweet, something delicious to eat. That paste covered and covered the place of his wound. Actually, the fig has no healing characteristic. This act symbolized that the fruits of Hezekiah's life were greater than his errors. The king had prayed for the Lord to remember everything he did. God accepted the fruits of Hezekiah's life. In the same way the fruits of the Christian life are true miracles glorifying God. Every Christian who has in himself the fruit of witnesses Spirit great things of God (Galatians 5:22, 23).

6- Flour (Elisha)

People were hungry for lack of food and someone took a weed that after being prepared found it to be poisonous (II Kings 4:40). Elisha asked only to mix flour in the pot and the food was greeted. Everyone ate satisfying their hunger.
It is noted that "there was no hunger on earth" (v.38) and when Elisha asked him to give him the flour they had to be mixed with something poisonous he was demonstrating his faith. That act could be interpreted as waste because humanly speaking, all the flour was spoiled. By delivering the flour to the prophet, the people believed that a miracle would happen. Shortly after having spent his rest of the meal, God sends a man to bring twenty loaves of bread that a hundred men who show the power of God (II Kings 4.42-44).
This flour represents generosity. When we are generous, God multiplies all that we have and our hands. Jesus demonstrated this when he multiplied the loaves and fishes, as well as the teaching that everyone who donates receives more (Luke 6:38).

  1. Clay (Jesus)

Jesus himself showed his power over physical matter when he turned water into wine when he sent dried sterile fig tree when the bread multiplied and when he transposed the walls of the upper room after his resurrection. Now, before a Jesus made blind mud mixture of saliva in the sand and passed over the eyes of the blind, after washing in the pool of Siloam came to see.
When God created man, he used clay. This same material to create now uses to fix as a potter who corrects his work. This clay is God's forgiveness, because before Jesus was being interrogated about the sins that blind and then saying that the disease would not be the result of sin, Jesus applied the clay in the eyes of man to heal it. That man obeyed Jesus and discovered that his sins were forgiven. Jesus covered the eyes of the blind with mud to show the Pharisees that their judgments are preventing them from seeing God's purpose for their lives.
A powerful weapon that operates miracles is forgiveness. When someone offends us we need to remember that we are mud too. Sometimes we see the dirt in the other and also forget that we are dust

Use the tools God gives you!

II Corinthians 10,4 "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in God."

God always puts something in our hands to use in the hour we need. Everything is transformed by faith. The few conditions we have are potentiated when we act spiritually. A man opens the sea, a trumpet blast spills walls, a command to the river, a stone knocks down giants, sweet fig cures diseases, flour prevents the action of poison and mud cures the eyes. We have to learn to fight spiritually and not against the people that God loves (Ephesians 6:12). Before each challenge God gives us the conditions to win (II Corinthians 10:13).

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