Unity and spiritual progress

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)


Ezra 3:1

And when the seventh month was come, and the children of Israel were in the cities, the people gathered themselves together as one man to Jerusalem.


Because Jesus is in your, life you will not panic or be thrown off balance like many others may be during this period. In Jeremiah 29:11,

11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

God will compress time for your sake and add speed to your steps. God will cause His oil of favour to rest upon you and every one of your endeavours and desires of your heart. God will exceed your expectations. He will do exceedingly abundantly above all the can ask or think. He will abundantly fulfill His perfect will and purpose in your life.

All you need to do is refuse to fear and be anxious and refuse to doubt God. You must trust Him and follow His leading for your life. Do not rush and be in haste in the same way the people of the world are. Rather, stay in faith and walk in step with God. Seek God and His will. Fellowship with Him and charge your spirit. Be sensitive to God and follow His leading. The Lord is your shepherd, you shall not lack anything. He will cause you to lie down in green pastures, lead you beside still waters, He will restore your soul and He will lead you in the path of righteousness for His name sake,( Psa.23:1-3)
Expect God's best because that is God's desire for you.

Character and nature of unity


Spirit is capitalized. It refers to the unity provided by the Holy Spirit. It is a unity which we can never produce. We are not even asked to do so. Because this is true, the following deductions are true


Unity is living and vital. It is not mechanical. It is not a coalition or an amalgamation. Such consist of a number of miscellaneous units coming together for a given purpose. But Christian unity, the unity of the Spirit, is a unity which starts within and works outward through organic life like we see in a flower or in the human body.


There is diversity in unity, not a uniformity. The parts do not look alike, they do not function alike, yet, they are all important, needed, interdependent, and all work toward the same end, the purposes for which each member was designed in the function of the body as directed by the head and in accord with the creative purpose of God.

               God bless you :)

In attaining spiritual progress you need to trust God and remove any element of doubt

It's important to live together as one because mighty things and great things will always be achieved by putting our hands together
For he has given us platform which is the bible to always live in peace and unity

Unity and spiritual progress is essential as Christians. Thanks for sharing with steemchurch
Upvoted and resteem

When you are together with good Christian people, it will develope your faith in the work on God.

I really love reading this part There is diversity in unity, not a uniformity. The parts do not look alike, they do not function alike, yet, they are all important, needed, interdependent, and all work toward the same end, the purposes for which each member was designed in the function of the body as directed by the head and in accord with the creative purpose of God"

In achieving significant propel you need to trust God and oust any part of vulnerability Solidarity and significant progress is essential as Christians. An obligation of appreciation is with the end goal for offering to steemchurch. Staggering post essential teaching!

Thanks for sharing this with us, as a Christian one the things we need in life is spiritual progress, this post has enlighten us more on it..

Unity is a virtue to be possessed by many persons in the society today, especially members of steemchurch community if you are able to have the spirit of oneness then to achieve set goals with or without deadlines will be easy to execute.
Let us come together with one spirit and face hiccups and obstacles and shred all the problems together.
One for all, all for one.

Solidarity is an ideals to be controlled by numerous people in the general public today, particularly individuals from steemchurch group on the off chance that you can have the soul of unity at that point to accomplish set objectives with or without due dates will be anything but difficult to execute.

United we stand and divided we fall. One cannot achieve anything alone so unity is very important in whatever we do

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