in #steemchurch7 years ago (edited)


"The new testament is a catch-all."
Peter Mcalister, Professor of Greek Philology, explains that there are 2,000 Christian confessions, each with its interpretation.
"There are so many Christianities in the New Testament that it is impossible to ask for a unit of opinion on sex. Jesus defends marriage at all costs by ensuring that anyone who looks at a woman wishing for it has committed adultery. But Jesus himself says: Happy are those who make themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. "
"Saint Paul says of homosexuality that both man and woman, when forgetting the natural use of the opposite sex, resemble animals (Romans 1:27)."
"The Christianity of the apocalypse is completely asexual. The 144,000 virgins who accompany the calf are individuals who have not stained their bodies with women. "


"In Arabic, sex means union"
Yaratullah Monturiol, an expert on Islam and feminism, and part of the World Parliament of Religions, sums up the Islamic panorama.
"The role of the woman in the couple is to be the man's dress. And man has to be the woman's dress. The claim to adjudicate different functions by gender issue is debatable. In fact, the only requirement is on a sexual level. Failure to comply can be considered a reason for separation. "
"Sin does not exist in Islam. Specifically, in the couple there is no sexual limit or prohibition within the mutual agreement. It is only forbidden to harm the spouse. "
"Sex is the highest union that the human being can reach. For Muhammad, the halfway point of Islam is the nikah. This term comes from the verb nakaha-yankihu, the union of the feminine and the masculine. "

Polygamy. According to the Koran, a man can have up to 4 women, as long as he treats them all equally. In the photo, a massive wedding in Amman (Jordan), in which 55 couples are married.


The woman can enjoy oral sex. Jewish traditions present in the Torah (the Old Testament) and in the Talmud.
Woman is 'property' of man, and fidelity is one of the most respected values ​​within the Hebrew people. This guarantees that the children are the husband's.
The homosexual right to marry is one of the struggles led by the Central Conference of American Rabbis against the American Government.
The ejaculation outside the vagina is forbidden for Orthodox Judaism. For the reformists, on the other hand, this is not the case: in several passages of the Talmud, pre-penetration games are suggested.
Jewish law contemplates abortion when the life of the mother is in danger. For Judaism, existing life is more important than the one that is about to come.

Female deity Representation of the Shekinah, the feminine manifestation of God for Judaism. The image is a modern vision of the Jewish photographer Leonard Nimoy. For the Jewish religion it is the mother who transmits the Jewish identity.


"The priestly caste must be married."
Juan A. Álvarez Pedrosa, director of the Institute of Sciences of Religions of the Universidad Complutense, deciphers Hinduism.
"It is not a monolithic religion that has been the same for 20 centuries; there are many schools. There are reformist and other extreme currents, such as the one that governs India today and the punishment of homosexuality by law. "
"The kamasutra is a Hindu text, but since it was written, the third century, there has been a change in sexuality due to the Islamization of India, in the fourteenth century, and English colonization, in the nineteenth."
"Singleness and chastity are badly considered in the Hindu priestly caste, because they are seen as natural attitudes. Like today, because of the Islamic and Christian influence, neither anal sex nor practices that do not lead to reproduction are seen as natural. "

Everything an art. Image of the Kamasutra. Its name means "treaty on desire", and it seems that it was written in the third century based on previous texts. The Kamasutra is not only a sex treatise, but also a source of information on the social uses of the time.



Sex and lies are true

When you with god all the live is good

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