in #steemchurch6 years ago

Matthew 24:6 "You will know about wars and bits of gossip about wars, but make sure that you are not frightened.

Such things must happen, but the end is still to come." Illustration: A news pundit asked, "Wouldn't it be great if we could have only five minutes of peace on the planet? How invigorating it is get one daily paper or hear one broadcast with no reports of brutality, loathe, bad form or war.

Perhaps sometime in the future, and I trust it will be soon, we can." Can you recollect when, in your lifetime, there has not been war some place on the planet? For as long as 10 years we have been secured a land war in Iraq and Afghanistan with dangers somewhere else.

This ought not be an amazement to the Bible understudy. However, it won't generally be that way. There is coming a period when the Prince of Peace, the Lord Jesus Christ, will come and set up His Kingdom affecting peace all through the world.

Despite the fact that there is no worldwide peace, there is personal peace accessible. Paul expressed, "In this way, having been justified by faith, we have tranquility with God through our Lord Jesus Christ… ."

(Romans 5:1) And, he later stated, "The product of the Spirit is love, delight, peace … ." (Gal. 5:22) Even however there are wars without, we can have tranquility inside.


Good to hear from you futur, Thanks for sharing with Us!



When we are right with God as individuals, the inner conflicts cease and personal peace comes into our souls.

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Thanks for sharing. It is really encouraging. It's so rare to hear about messages of peace in the world today, but in the Bible we are encouraged of peaceful times that will be here soon.

We can indeed enjoy peace of heart in these last days.

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