A short message to sirknight : A man with a good heart

in #steemchurch6 years ago

A leader's conduct 1 Timothy 3:1-16


Service in the church of God is a noble task. If anyone aspires to serve in the church, he is not doing anything wrong. However, anyone who aspires to serve in the household of God must examine himself to be sure he is fit. Such a person must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, sober minded, self controlled, respectable, hospitable; able to teach, etc. he must be well thought of even by the unbelievers.

The character of people must be taken into consideration before they are appointed into leadership positions. But the church seems to have dropped these requirements and set her own. What we see is that anyone who is wealthy is qualified to hold a post in the church, whether or not there is any evidence that he is a Christian. That is why some people who claim to be Christian are holding leadership positions in the church.

This maybe the reason why the church is making little or no impact at all inthe society. It is my conviction that we will make a lot of difference in the world if we return to biblical standards.

Thanks for reading am @fredoski

God bless you @sirknight


God bless @steemchurch


Brother, God does not see our social condition really he is interested in a heart willing to be shaped by him, it is true the bible speaks in the book of Titus, about the Requirements of elders and bishops
1: 5 For this cause I left thee in Crete, that thou mightst correct the deficient, and appoint elders in every city, even as I commanded thee;
1: 6 He who is blameless, the husband of one wife, and has believing children who are not accused of dissolution or rebellion.
1: 7 For it is necessary that the bishop be blameless, as the administrator of God; not arrogant, not angry, not given to wine, not quarrelsome, not greedy for dishonest gain,
1: 8 but host, lover of the good, sober, just, holy, master of himself,
1: 9 Retain the faithful word as it has been taught, so that he may also exhort with sound teaching and convince those who contradict.
1:10 For there are still many obstinate, talkers of vanities and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision,
1:11 to which it is necessary to cover the mouth; They overturn entire houses, teaching for dishonest gain what is not convenient.
1:12 One of them, his own prophet, said: The Cretans, always liars, bad beasts, idle gluttons
1:13 This testimony is true; therefore, rebuke them harshly, so that they may be healthy in the faith,
1:14 not attending to Jewish fables, or to the commandments of men who turn away from the truth.
1:15 All things are pure to the pure, but to the corrupt and unbelieving nothing is pure to them; for even your mind and your conscience are corrupted.
1:16 They profess to know God, but with the facts they deny it, being abominable and rebellious, reprobate concerning every good work.

But look at your beloved brother, I understand your concern clearly, everything about God is pure, it is beautiful, it is holy and the word also says that we must be careful in these times because many will come in my name trying to deceive the people of God. Many people have their sights set more on money than on God, but you know at the end of all this let it be God who takes control, who is our judge, who is he who corrects who has to do it, who removes and in the end those people end up really converted and repentant before the Lord, but remember the soldier who finally nails the sword on one side to the Lord JESUS ​​CHRIST on the cross, as it ends but on his knees before our King, the Holy Spirit, is who convict and convict of sin, pray and rest in the Giver of Life, God continue to bless you, massss !!!

@fredoski, I believe you know that using a Person's art without giving credit to the original designer/owner is plagiarism.

Please do the needful and rectify this post.
Thanks and have a productive day.

yeah apology for that

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