Lord, Give me a noble heart!

in #steemchurch5 years ago

To serve the Lord

Oh Christ, to be able to serve you better
Give me a noble heart.
A strong heart
to aspire for high ideals
and not for mediocre options.
A generous heart at work,
seeing in him not an imposition
but a mission that you entrust to me.
A big heart in suffering,
being brave soldier before my own cross,
and sensitive cirineo for the cross of others.
A big heart to the world,
being comprehensive with its weaknesses,
but immune to its maxims and seductions.
A big heart towards men, loyal and attentive towards all
but especially helpful and dedicated to the small and humble.
A heart never focused on me,
always leaning on you
happy to serve you and serve my brothers,
Oh my Lord!
Every day of my life, Amen,


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Dear friends

The service is to provide assistance to those who need help. Christian service stems from the genuine love felt for the Savior, and from the love and concern for those who not only gives us the opportunity to help, but to guide in life. Love is more than a feeling; When we love others, we want to help them.

Jesus said:

For who is greater, the one who is at the table or the one who serves? Is it not the one who is at the table? But I am among you as one who serves. (Luke 22:27).

As true disciples of Jesus, we must also serve others.

We must all be willing to provide service, regardless of our economic, social or age position. Some think that only poor and helpless people should serve; others think that only the rich should serve; However, Jesus taught something else. When the mother of two of His disciples asked him to honor his children in His kingdom,

Jesus replied:

But among you it will not be so, but whoever wants to become great among you will be your servant; and whoever wants to be first among you will be your servant (Matthew 20: 26-27).

There are many ways to serve. We can help others economically, socially, physically and spiritually. For example, we can give food or other items to those who need them; and help those in need by contributing a generous fast offering; We can give friendship to a newcomer, grow a small garden for an elderly person or take care of a sick person. We can teach the Gospel to those who need to know the truth or comfort those who suffer.


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Throughout life, we all depend on the help of other people. When we were little, our parents fed us, dressed and cared for; Without such care we would have died. Once we grew up, other people taught us skills and behaviors. Many of us have needed care during an illness or have needed money during an economic crisis. Some of us ask God to bless the people who suffer and then do nothing for them. We must remember that God does His work through us.

When we serve other people, we receive important blessings. Through service we increase our ability to love and become less selfish and, when we think about the problems of others, our own problems seem to be less serious. We must serve our fellow men to achieve eternal life. God has said that those who live with Him must love and serve His children (Matthew 25:34–40).


Noble heart is the best, when Lord offers us. Thanks for your contribution!

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