in #steemchurch5 years ago

But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them;


2 Timothy 3:14

Hello Steemians!!!
Good morning to you all.
I have a little piece for y'all this morning.
May you be blessed as you read. Amen

A leading man is a man who has learned to continue in what he learnt.

Information plays a critical role in every man's life.

When you're misinformed, you become susceptible to a number of vices.

Distorted information makes you a prey to unscrupulous fellows; lack of adequate knowledge can bereft an heir of his inheritance.

The same affects any Christian who is not well informed about his rights or knows who he is and all that CHRIST has done .

The revealed knowledge of christ should prevail in the church which is the gospel of salvation which is the good news

It is the right gospel that converts a sinner. A gospel preached with love and not hate.

The gospel disperse fear and strongly establishes the state of your relationship with God

The death of Christ removed the veil that separated us from the love of God.


The devil never imagined that he would face Christ in man, he never thought that God could become man and man God.

The devil realized through knowledge that he no longer has a hold on you because you're the righteousness of God in christ Jesus.

He died so you can live, became poor so you can be wealthy; he was wounded so that by his stripes you are healed.

John 1:12 saysBut as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

Remember sons do not beg; they demand and receive because they have access to their father's wealth.

You need to constantly seek to know more about Jesus. Know who you are in Christ.

God qualifies the unqualified.

Thanks for visiting my blog and God bless you.

I still remain @erbeebassie.

Have a great and fabulous day ahead.

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