in #steemchurch6 years ago

The Lord bringeth the counsel of the heathen to nought: he maketh the devices of the people of none effect. Psalm 33:10


It is a thing of Joy to know that our God is the same today, yesterday and for ever more. He has always put his enemies to shame and confounded those who thought they were wiser than him.

In the Bible, we are told of Jezebel who became an epitome of wickedness. She plotted with her husband and stole Naboth's vineyard. Naboth was also killed.

Few years after God sent Jehu to revenge the death of Naboth. Jezebel was thrown down from the window of the palace; she died and was eaten by dogs.

This was a confirmation of Elijah's prophecy that God would pay her double for her wickedness. Note, even the sons of Ahab were also visited. Seventy-two of them were slaughtered. Of what use then was the plot of land that Jezebel stole from Naboth?.

The family never lived to enjoy the products of this ill gotten good.
When we make God our stronghold we need not fear what men may try to plan against us, no matter how powerful they are in the natural or even spiritual.

A man confessed that they ( the witches) had been making all efforts to attack the family. He spoke with confidence despite the fact that they had failed. God heard his boastings.

Few months after some boys accused him of killing their mother. They took laws into their hands. Tires were piled on his neck and he was burnt to ashes. God will always make the devices of the wicked of none effect.

God bless you


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