in #steemchurch6 years ago


Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Timothy 2:15

Many people have been playing games when it comes to the word, they claim to be people of faith but never spend quality time to study the word.

When they fail woefully. The Bible tells us that "

Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by word of God.
If you have faith, the evidence will be clear for James 2:20 says faith without works or corresponding action is dead.

Any child of God who longs for this kind of faith that will keep him on his feet when others are failing around him, needs to take some action where the word is concerned.

  1. You must deliberately study the word. The use of concordance, study Bible, Greek and Hebrew dictionaries will go a long way to help you understand the Bible.

  2. Get involved in a church or fellowship where the word is taught and preached. God has a way of speaking to us as we listen to sermons.

God can use the word and lift our burden or answer questions that have confounded us

  1. You must start each day by confessing the word. Stand on the word regardless of the lies Satan may bring forth.
    Find the promise of God that conveys your situation and declare it out loud as if it has already manifested. When you get serious, the devil will leave you alone.

God bless you


You said this,

"You must start each day by confessing the word. Stand on the word regardless of the lies Satan may bring forth.
Find the promise of God that conveys your situation and declare it out loud as if it has already manifested. When you get serious, the devil will leave you alone."

It's all ridiculous. It's unbiblical. You act as though God is a liar and will only honor his word if you call him on it. Also, most of the things that people claim as being the promises of God are general principles and not absolute guarantees. And Satan isn't the cause of most people's problems. It's their own sinful nature.

If you want to understand the Bible, get rid of the King James. It's 500 years old. It's filled with translation errors. Get a 1980s NIV Study Bible on eBay or Amazon. It doesn't have politically correct language. It's a thought for thought translation and the study notes are extremely valuable.

You can also find Bible commentaries online. Just search by chapter and verse and add the word "commentary". Avoid following people whose ideas are not part of the mainstream.

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