in #steemchurch6 years ago



In Gods word, the bible.There is a laid emphasis on the comparing of points of different views between issues and persons.

Proverbs 14:29 He who is slow to wrath has great understanding, But he who is impulsive exalts folly

This states out the difference between a wise man and a foolish one.A wise man is slow to anger and agressiveness and wrath, but a foolish acts immediately at that time and all the time. one thing we have to point out straight from what proverbs is saying this is, both the wise and the foolish get angry but the wise is then considered wise because he does not cut his fuse at everything single thing that may be provocative with a good reason or not.Beign angry is simply an emotional response to what a person may consider as not tolerable or not acceptable and different things can mark as a point of take off. If anger is not well controlled it may cause destruction of great proportion. It has been proven by science that being angry for no reason or uncontrollably is injurious to the health of such person.your relationship's with people could also suffer from uncontrolled anger.
Anger creates a secrete hide for the devil to bring into manifestation his evil activities in the lives of people.It is not ordinarily categorized that the bible compares an impelling person to a city that has no walls.And such city is open to any external attack from the enemy. People who do not have control over their spirit will always suffer different attacks from the enemy.

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Psalm 106:32-3 They angered Him also at the waters of strife, So that it went ill with Moses on account of them; Because they rebelled against His Spirit, So that he spoke rashly with his lips

Truely, anger usually starts like an internal combustion, but on its first outward manifestation it is spoken in words.when a beam of anger is on, words that are spoken usually cut are critical injuriously harmful.At a point we become open and this results in great burst not holding anything back.Moses in the bible was victim of this scenery, when the first children of Israel complained of water, God asked Moses to strike the rock and the resulted in a great abundance of water gushing out.Then the next time they complained for water, God instructed him to only speak to the rock.But he went right on to speak to the people and then he smote the rock and God punished him for his uncalled for words and action.He was denied a passage across into Jordan.

Anger is injurious.Without a shadow of doubt, anger causes damage and this is why it is an emotion that must be in a perfect guard of care.With the given facts that we have seen we are sometimes tempted to become involved in a tongue misuse when we get angry and with the facts that James wrote in his epistle.No one can control their tongue, we must have to depend totally on the restraining power of the Holy Spirit. Anyone who wants victory over anger must pray as the psalmist did.

Psalm 19:14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer



If you do not enjoy relationships with humans but you are tense, mean and critical, there is a chance that you have an angry spirit. People don't like to be around angry people at all. It simply follows that if a person has an angry and bitter attitude, he will more than likely have problems in his interpersonal relationships with people around him and with God Almighty. Thanks for sharing.

I really appreciate that you enjoyed this piece, anger has brought alot of harm to society when it hasnt been properly managed.God must be our ultimate focus

Yes, this is so true. When we imitate God's love for us, we will be able to protect ourselves from such anger as it can be destructive.

Thanks for your contribution to SteemChurch.

The spirit that comes with anger is not a good one. Anger has broken so many homes around the word. Let's always think about love when we get angry.

Upvoted & Resteemed

In the New Testament, Jesus teaches us some of the things that anger God. Jesus acted out His anger when He drove the moneychangers out of the temple courts. He did this because they had made God's house a marketplace; they had cheated people and prevented them from worshiping God (see Matt. 21:12).

He became angry with the Pharisees because of their heartlessness. They wanted Him to keep the rules they had made for the Sabbath, and they had no compassion for the man with the shriveled hand whom Jesus healed (see Mark 3:5).

Jesus was very indignant when the disciples tried to prevent people from bringing children to Him (see Mark 10:14).

He consistently felt "righteous anger toward oppression, injustice, and unmet human needs. And he didn't hesitate to express his angry feelings."11 Since Jesus was without sin, He vividly demonstrated for us that all anger is not sin.

am in this my brother love this post of yours

thank I really appreciate, we need to gain control over from the scheme s of evil and live good fulfilling lives

I couldn't agree more to this:

Anger is injurious.Without a shadow of doubt, anger causes damage and this is why it is an emotion that must be in a perfect guard of care.

Thanks for sharing @ephraimparker.

It pains me when some people boast about having the ability to get very angry, anger is bad very bad, it's something we all should try to always run away from.

In the New Testament, Jesus shows us a portion of the things that outrage God. Jesus showcased His outrage when He drove the moneychangers out of the sanctuary courts. He did this since they had made God's home a commercial center; they had duped individuals and kept them from worshiping God (see Matt. 21:12).

He ended up irate with the Pharisees as a result of their wantonness. They needed Him to keep the standards they had made for the Sabbath, and they had no empathy for the man with the wilted hand whom Jesus mended (see Mark 3:5).

Jesus was extremely angry when the followers endeavored to keep individuals from conveying youngsters to Him (see Mark 10:14).

He reliably felt "noble outrage toward abuse, unfairness, and neglected human needs. Furthermore, he didn't falter to express his furious feelings."11 Since Jesus was without transgression, He strikingly showed for us that all outrage isn't sin.

am in this my sibling love this post of yours

This is only my fair sentiment. A debt of gratitude is in order for sharing

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