in #steemchurch6 years ago

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one of the many ways people can manage setbacks better is to realize that failure is not final, and those who may think of otherwise may resort to extreme measures like a young man who took his life because he was reproved for his failure in an exam.The fact that he failed to reach his set goal in his first call did not mean he will never reach it, but
the moment he took his own life then it became impossible to attain.Everyone who has succeeded will always say that it was not their first stroke that brought them the breakthrough but ability to stick and persevere for something for as long as necessary is the very bottom line for success at it.The mistake this young man made was that he made that failure at the exam final, and that is not how to fail. When you fail in something lets do a bit of research and findings to determine the cause of that failure.doing this would teach us vital lessons on how not to do this another time. And besides, the experience we gain in our previous attempt may be the salvation someone would need tomorrow to avoid a blunder reoccurring. God’s holy word gives us wide scope to build hope of a having a better future even when we fail. In

proverbs 24:16 For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief
brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead. Philippians 3:13

The scripture says a righteous man may fall seven times and will still rise again, nothing is more assuring than this even as the bible has said. The prophet micah was operating in this spirit when he declared Do not rejoice over me, my enemy when I fall, I will arise When I sit in darkness, The Lord will be a light to me-Micah 7:8 Even if it seems you are backed against a dark wall of failure and disappointment, the Lord will always remain your light.

And often and contradictory too, many people are very busy but are unproductive.we should first settle the score with productivity as Gods word says he will bless the works of your hands but what happens if there is no work at all.
The danger of this is that those caught such web hardly come to realize it. This was similar in the case with Martha.

But Martha was distracted with much serving, and she approached Him and said, Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me Luke 10:40

She gave out her vibrant and restless personality when Jesus came to see her and her siblings mary and lazarus. She basically was everywhere doing everything and then she equally felt everyone else must and should be as busy as she was. Not until Jesus pointed out the true way that she then realized being busy does not mean being in business with the king.And life does not grade our wins by how busy we are, but on the basis of what we accomplish. And more specifically we are judged on the basis of what his purpose has assigned to us and not necessarily what many others are we find around are doing. And unless we understand what is assigned to us and face it head on we may just end up beign busy but never in the real business. Every single one of us must find out the essentials and adopt them. It is also very instructive to note that what may be essential to one is not totally important to another. so we do not want to use someone else s conditions to judge ourself. While we may try to draw inspiration from people, it is important that we realize that life is an individual race and our hope of doing
well is determined largely by how our relationship with who assigned the race is going and that is God.

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Hi there

We found your post valuable to the steemchurch community

Thanks for sharing



Everyone who wants to truly progress must have the attitude to bounce back from set backs

Nicely written


thanks for the comment, life is really about decision s

Success in most cases in a one-time experience (so to say); it usually pops up after a series of failures and trying moments.
This is a consciousness we all must have and live by, to really get to 'the expected end' God has prepared for us in all areas of life.

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