in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

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I greet you dearly beloved. May grace, love and peace be multiplied to you through the knowledge of God and of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

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The kingdom of God is structured in such a way that there is no law that permits "self exaltation or honour." Every exaltation or honour in the kingdom is initiated and propagated by God.

No man can receive this except it is given to him by God.

Dearly beloved, I have seen an evil under the sun. Not just under the sun, but in the body of Christ. It is really causing havoc. What is this evil? Men are seeking for relevance, recognition, and honour by all means thereby putting up with behaviours that automatically hinders the move of God in the body and through the body.

In the kingdom, we don't lobby into true honour and relevance - it is a reward. It is a reward of death - death to self and total submission to God and His will walking in love. It is not Every thing that you will enjoy in the kingdom as a privilege just because you are a Christian, some things are reward. Some things are to be paid for. Let's consider these scriptures,

1 Peter 5 verses 6,

"Therefore humble yourself under the mighty hand of God that He may exalt you in due time."

Philippians chapter 2 from verse 1 to 11 clearly describes this principle to us using Jesus Christ. But let's see what Verse 8 to 9 says,

"And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death(death to self first), even the death of the cross. Therefore God has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name."

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It would cost you to attain that level of true honour, exaltation and relevance in the kingdom. You can't manipulate yourself there through trying to control the minds of people with your gifts, talents, and forceful demand of loyalty. There are costly prices to pay. True kingdom honour is not attained by the gifts of the spirit; it is attained by the fruit of the spirit through death. If you don't die, you can't be exalted to the position of honour in the kingdom.

You must totally surrender to Christ and truly make Him the Lord of your life. People don't just attain the state of true kingdom honour, exaltation, and relevance just by being saved - although that's where it starts, but by allowing Christ to be the Lord of your life. Go and find out what it means for someone to be Lord over another. Study Galatians 2 Vs 20, Mathew 6 Vs 10 to 25, and Jeremiah 29 Vs 13 to 14.

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It is not your affirmation about yourself that makes you relevance in the kingdom; it is God's affirmation about you that makes you useful and relevant. Another principle of the kingdom is that, until God approves you, you can never be approved no matter how much you try. It is a state you must assume spiritually to effectively function in the physical.

It takes humility to be honoured and exalted in the kingdom. The level of your surrender to God defines the boundary of your honour and relevance.
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Also you can't fail to walk in love and expect to be exalted and honoured by God. It is not possible. It is not even something that somehow might become a possibility. It wouldn't.

Stop seeking for relevance and honour and pay the prices for it.



Special Acknowledgement:

Special appreciation to the Great @ned for such a platform as #steemit which is a cosmos for creative minds.

A special thanks to the Most Ever Noble @SirKnight for such a great platform as @steemchurch.

Also special thanks to @sniffnscurry for their enormous contribution to @steemchurch.

I Will not forget to appreciate the #Apostles of the first ever church of the blockchain for their enormous and huge effort towards the growth of the church.

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Here comes our parishioner that loves using smileys. We agree with your point that in God's arrangements we can't lobby for positions, rather we are rewarded for efforts to remain loyal to him.

Upvoted & Resteemed

Yeah, what do we have that we did not receive? God is the greatest giver we know. He gave us his only begotten son. Imitating him shows appreciation for the sacrifices he made for us.

All glory and honor is given to God who has created all thing well..... thanks for sharing this post with the steemchurch

The Bible discloses to us that, God opposes the glad and offers effortlessness to the modest, this demonstrates we must be unassuming and permit God respect us, rather than attempting to do it without anyone's help, which inevitably won't work.

God will reward you if you obey and stay loyal to him the Bible say:“Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you” (Hebrews 13:17).

Faith us believing with your heart that which you imagine.
It is through imagination that you are able to view the spirit man in you and you are able look for the unseen.
Many don't know what it means to be with Christ and stand in his ways and do his ways will , the love of God is only bound to those who put their whole heart in the lord and do what God expect them to do through him who made heaven and earth.
When we truelly love and trust God in our life our life and and our joy will be worth more than anything you may think of.
You don't have to think that as you call your self Christian then tour life wulk have no definition .
Christ who is your saviour has always given your life meaning and definition .
Working in the direction if God is the best thing we can do.
God is is so power that he is always there for everybody who have trust in him no matter where you are located.
everything we do or hear should be reflected by Gods word, our life should be of God.
The purpose of Christ coming was fulfilled and was noticed by people who took all they have and all their time to work with the Lord .
Paul through his ministry was able to accomplish various task and he made himself a good example if a right fellow

Yeah... Thanks for Commenting.

I'm so glad you were blessed by this post.

Your #Upvote can also Go a long way in encouraging me. Same as #Resteeming.

God Bless You ✌

No doubt, what do we have that we didn't get? God is the best provider we know. He gave us his exclusive sired child. Mirroring him demonstrates gratefulness for the penances he made for us.

Yeah... Thanks for Commenting.

I'm so glad you were blessed by this post.

Your #Upvote can also Go a long way in encouraging me. Same as #Resteeming.

God Bless You ✌

God will only give you what is good for you.
But you must be a good Christians and without sin.

I really like your topic, it is very nice write-up especially "The kingdom of God is structured in such a way that there is no law that permits "self exaltation or honour." Every exaltation or honour in the kingdom is initiated and propagated by God"

Yeah... Thanks for Commenting.

I'm so glad you were blessed by this post.

Your #Upvote can also Go a long way in encouraging me. Same as #Resteeming.

God Bless You ✌

Better believe it, what do we have that we didn't get? God is the best provider we know. He gave us his exclusive generated child. Emulating him demonstrates thankfulness for the penances he made for us.

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