That says the bible brings over of the envy

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)



7:20-23 " But he was saying, that what of the man goes out, it contaminates the 21 Because of inside, of the heart of the men, there go out the bad thoughts, the adulteries, the fornications, the homicides, the thefts, the greeds, the evilnesses, the deception, the lasciviousness, the envy, the slander, the soberbia, the folly. 23 All these evilnesses of inside go out, and contaminate the man. "man.

The envy is one of the emotions that more I damage does his holder. His results are tremendously negative for the daily life. It is for it that hombr54e must leave these feelings that damage to the soul and to make us so unhappy, provided that a person who is envious is unhappy because this means that this one does not agree since is, that it is what it possesses and why it does not possess it, is a nonconformist person with his life. On having agreed since we are, we will be happy persons, we must not take ourselves for the material things that have the others since it is not the happiness.

Proverbios 14:30 “El corazón apacible es vida de la carne; Mas la envidia es carcoma de los huesos.”

A person who possesses a calm heart, is a person who possesses life, on the other hand the envy is killing little by little the soul and makes them totally unhappy.
The envy causes in the persons who possess a series of consequences complicated to enjoy a good emotional health:
Fall autoestimates. The envy departs from this terrible feeling of feeling below the others and of not accepting ourselves, producing a dissatisfaction continues for everything what surrounds us.
Stagnation. To take the look towards the others unprotects our own life, energy becomes exhausted in wishing what we do not have, instead of using our forces to generate what let's let's want.
Loneliness and sadness. An envious person is sad and alone, does not share his experiences because it is not proud of them; good part of his dialectics is based on other persons, they are alone because they go inside his real being and cannot show his interior.
Rencor. Sentimientos tan dañinos como el odio y el rencor son muy comunes en los envidiosos/as, no desean nada bueno de los demás y en ocasiones pueden ayudar a que no se cumplan los deseos de las personas envidiadas.


Job 5:2 " Is true that to the fool it kills the ire, And to the covetous one the envy consumes it. "

Some of the things that the persons must do to remove he sends it is to read the bible, provided that this guide and direcciona our lives towards the good, to help the others and to accept ourselves as is as God sent us to this world, this was removing us of being persons envious, of wishing the material goods of the prójimos, since this makes us nonconformist of the life and makes us unhappy persons emotionally.



we must get those bad feelings out of our being. The key to that is having greater communion with God. The more time you spend with Jesus, the less impure feelings you will have.

Amiga @ emily28 your post is one of the controversies and situations suffered by all humans, under his imperfection some people tend to feel very strongly this feeling called envy that only what it does is to get away from the path of God, and your reflection on reading the bible to try to guide us always on the good path of the almighty god's faith is the best therapy and wise advice to correct and control impure and harmful feelings of our existence in society.

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