Does that says the bible bring over of the honesty?

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)



The honesty is one of the big virtues that a person can have, even the bible reflects in his writings be afraid related to this value. There is nothing better that to have a clean conscience in front of God and all the persons. It is for it that it is necessary to do the things with honesty, and prudence. God rewards with good works those persons that he detests the incorrect things of this world.

Isaías 33:15-16: " the one that walks in justice and he speaks the straight thing; the one that detests the profit of violences, which shakes his hands not to receive bribe, which covers his ears not to hear bloodthirsty offers; the one that closes his eyes not to see bad thing; this one will live in the heights; rock strength will be his place of refuge; his bread will be given him, and his waters will be sure ".

Dishonest being can cause irreparable hurts to many persons, is for it that we must bear in mind not do what we would not like that they were doing us, to tell the truth always it forms confidence in the others. To be just persons pleases God.

Proverbs 25:18, " Hammer and knife and sharp arrow is the man who speaks against his false neighbor I bear witness ".

Also it is necessary to bear in mind that the parents must teach to his children from very small to telling the truth always, in order that these when they are adult are honest, polite and respectful persons with the others. Many parents commit the mistake of not correcting the children when they say lie thinking that they are small and they will not deal to differ between the lie and the truth, it is there when more they must teach to be faithful persons to the truth.
The parents who have honest children are very happy as the children.

Proverbs 20:7, " the just person Walks in his integrity; his children are happy after him ".

On the other hand, there are persons who enjoy to make or to invent histories of falsehood to the neighbor, the deception and falsehood is very bad. Even there moves along the risk of damaging the persons. These situations displease God. He guides us and direcciona across the words written in the bible to saying always the truth.

The honesty is involved in two of the orders. It is in the Bible, Exodus 20:15-16, " you will not steal. You will not speak against your false neighbor I bear witness ".


We must be honest in all the circunstancia of the lives, in our work, in our business, in our relation of pair, with our son, between others … and to give the example to the company.

Psalms 33:4 Because the word of the GENTLEMAN is straight; and all his work becomes by loyalty.

God will bless us for being faithful persons.



Honesty is marked as being free from deceit or untruthfulness, being sincere. The Christian life should be one marked with integrity and honesty.

Well said Emily, Honesty is an excellent path in which we must travel.

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