The famous phrase of social networks: "Follow me" / Who are you following?

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Dear friends!

Something that has caught my attention in these last days ... our generation is the most connected on the Internet that has already trodden the Earth. The ease of access to people and content is enormous. All a "click" away. And, paying attention in that technological advance that facilitates the connection, a word jumped to my eyes: "Follow".

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The word "follow" appears on most social networks, making people look for similar ones in interest to share information or even track content. So, I wanted to go a little deeper into the meaning of the word to encompass understanding.

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According to the dictionary, define "FOLLOW:
Walk together with another person; walk in the same direction as someone or go at the same speed as this person; have as a pattern or example; imitate; have the same opinion of; join; stay close; be in continuity or sequence with.

When we follow someone in our life, social networks, etc., we are literally saying that we agree with their behavior, we have it as a pattern and we are moving in the same direction. Strong, right? But it is true. It seems harmless to press "follow" on social networks and think that it is only a slight appreciation for talent, social importance or any other similar motive.

In the Holy Scriptures we find the Lord Jesus inviting his first disciples to follow him. For example, in Matthew 4:19: "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."

When our Master calls us to follow him, we are automatically invited to renounce the lawful things to embrace his interests, agreeing, taking them as the patron of our life. In the letter to the Romans, the Apostle Paul said that we should not conform to the pattern of this world.

He knows why many Christians, especially young people, are impure in speaking, acting, thinking, etc., because they are associated with the world:

"How can a young man keep his conduct pure? Live according to your word" (Psalm 119.9).

This is the best answer you will find. It is necessary that we emphasize the need to be immersed in the Scriptures to live in a manner worthy of the Lord: pure, holy and pleasing to Him.

Many use the following text for marriage, but it is much broader than that:

"Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers Why do justice and evil have in common? Or what communion can light have with darkness? What harmony between Christ and Belial? What is there in common? the believer and the unbeliever? What agreement is there between the temple of God and the idols? Because we are a sanctuary of the living God "(II Corinthians 6.14-16).

Because before you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light, for the fruit of light consists of all goodness, justice and truth; and learn to discern what is pleasing to the Lord. Do not participate in the unfruitful works of darkness; before, they expose them to light. Because what they do in hidden, to mention is shameful. But everything that is exposed by light becomes visible, because light makes all things visible. "(Ephesians 5.1-13).

What lovely and wonderful instructions. Paul spoke twice so that we would not participate in the unfruitful works of darkness.

The warning that I bring to the Lord's Church is so that we do not lose sensitivity. The world is barely revealing with more emphasis the rot that is encrostada through their attitudes. Immorality has dominated the media as never before. The prince of this world wants to make the Church agree with his procedure and for that, he invests heavily in phonographic, visual, written material and etc, perfectly made-up on the outside, but putrid on the inside.

My prayer is for us to be quick to denounce the darkness and that we become more and more attached to the Word of God.

Be prudent about your influences. They can build them to destroy them slowly.


Be a faithful follower of Jesus! Follow the good people at Steem, follow the good members of SteemChurch, interact with them, strengthen their faith, and together let's continue the crusade for Freedom!

What friend would you recommend, for me to follow him on Steem?


I completely agree brother EC, if we are a Christian community because we do not interact more with each other and support each other, at least with one comment. The support of one another is important, and we will be demonstrating that what we say is not just nice words, but facts.

We all follow Christ, we also follow @Steemchurch!!!

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And my friend recommendation is: ALL THE BROTHERS. Blessings

Sometimes, many follow people as a result of their fame, reputation and popularity. I'm glad you have enlightened us more on what the 'follow' signifies.

Christ should be the number one and only figure we should follow and imitate and not mere men. And when we follow Him, good things in turn follow us.

God bless you, EC!

Very good reflection brother @emiliocabrera must internalize about a Who are we following at this time? Jesus has always invited us to follow in his footsteps, therefore we must take care of this system of things that invade the world today even if we have to participate in them, but we must be cautious, because our Lord is our first priority and we must keep our convictions as a child of God

Greetings brother, good focus, Christ is our Lord, we must follow Him! We really have to see the patterns of the people we are going to follow!

Excellent wonderful post to reflect, lest our actions be contrary to the example of who we should follow. For the bible also says by its fruits you will know them, we follow Christ because we are like him. Or it will happen to us as to the town to which God referred when he said "this people honors me with their lips but their heart is far from me".

Follow me, follow me, say the famous, but we must listen to Jesus when he says: Follow me and I will make you fishers of men for the Kingdom! Good post!

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