Not all heroes wear cloak and sword!!

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Dear Community!

The stories that inspire me the most in life are not the Hollywood performances, but the courage that my persecuted Christian family has always shown throughout the world, from remote times to the present.

Thousands of Christians are expelled from their countries by religious radicals, forced to abandon their homes and property they built for a lifetime, and for not giving up their faith, sometimes expelled and demoralized by their own families, are " guests "to themselves from their nations.


Many flee alone to preserve life, others decide to continue in their nation preaching the Gospel, being like strangers in their own land, not being welcomed in it and expanding to death.

You do not need to live near them to perceive what is a priority for them, their decisions reveal their choices, and thus show us what really matters. An overflowing passion, a burning heart, a fire in his soul that do not fear the ardent explosive of his persecutors.

Because they do not desist from loving Jesus, and choose to follow him, they become strangers in the place where they were owners, hungry in the place where they planted the beans, guests in the place where they were owners, with that we can understand that the comfortable place does not It will always be the right place to be.

Does not the Bible say that we are foreigners in this land? Yes, but they have been made to renounce what is rightfully theirs.

A large part of our brothers in the Middle East are housed in camps, most of them have the floor as their bed, eat only once a day, own only the clothes of the body to wear, and even then, they are prosperous. Well, there are riches that can not be bought, an unshakeable faith can not be calculated, trust that is not based on circumstances, of a people that is not afraid of death because it has already died.


Most assuredly, I say to you, that if the grain of wheat does not fall on the earth and it dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. He who loves his life will lose it; and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. If anyone serves me, follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also. If anyone serves me, my Father will honor him.
John 12: 24-26

A rich young man one day approached Jesus, and asked: What is necessary to do to inherit eternal life? And after Jesus had quoted the 10 commandments, the young man went back to inquire, all that I have obeyed, what do I lack? Jesus replied: if you want to be perfect, go, sell your goods and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.

They, the persecuted, although they take away everything, they are still rich!

True wealth lies in not accumulating treasures in the earth, where moths and rust destroy, and where thieves steal and steal, but they do accumulate treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not They do not steal or steal!

Because where his treasure is there will also be his heart.

Maybe they need our prayers to alleviate their pain and sorrow, but we need them to pray for us to wake us up from our comfort zone and proclaim in the world the truth for which they die.

One of the fundamental reasons why steemchurch came to the block chain, is to spread the love of God and the truth of the word of God.

I have confidence that from here, heroes will come who will go to the nations and proclaim the Justice and Truth of God.


Join in body and soul the crusade for freedom and proclaim the truth of God and what Christian heroes do when their lives are threatened.


Well said Your Grace. It saddens this Knight to see the treatment of Christian the world over and throughout time.

For those who are not Christian and without faith. All they need know is the Christianity represents the 'family' and the 'worker'. Most of the world would understand and love these concepts - so most will find they have the spirit of Christ inside them anyway.

SteemChurch will awaken the world.

I am... SirKnight.

If SK, it is sad what many news networks hide from the persecuted. We hope to be a voice of justice in the world through SteemChurch. Thank you for the wise contribution and the faith with which you speak.

SteemChurch will awaken the world.

SN, I draw so much energy from those words. One wonderful thing about the whole scenario is that even in the midst of thick tribulations, God will always harness the situation for His glory. ALl we need to do is spread the word and we'll awaken the world.

Surely if SK. He will wake them up and transform them and make them a better place.

greetings servant true wealth is in a heart full of God. many blessings

Blessings brother, thank you!

That verse of John that serves for the inspiration and motivation of all followers of Christ, and leaves us very much for granted that this world is not forever and what it is is eternal is the grace of the kingdom of heaven with the father and son.

Amen RM, Thanks you for comment. Blessings

At the beginning of the founding of the church, what we call the early church when all were unanimous and shared things, there was a persecution against the church that allowed the spread of the gospel. With demonstration of power.

Do not wait for the persecution, the moment is now.

A certain brother, a persecution created an expansion of the truth. Now is the time to carry the message of hope.

It is interesting to know that there are people making this issue known, that of seeing so many Christians and even friends who are leaving that call to be Missionaries, Evangelists, that their hearts are loaded with LOVE and bring that Word of SALVATION to the world.
We are life bearers .. We are those trumpets that sound carrying the message of JESUS. Although it is a very hard time for many countries, but we DO NOT have to STOP, we must continue PROCLAIMING and giving the announcement of the good news.

Thanks for your comment, Blessings

the stories that surprise us most are those that are among us and that lead us to recognize that God is powerful to have Him is to have everything

Angelys, there is a story in the communist countries that are mistreating the family of faith.

We are a people that represent peace, love, family; like sheep they take us to the slaughterhouse because the power of the gospel is the one that actually changes lives, cities and kingdoms.

I feel inspired, we must love people and do something for humanity.

Perfec Sister, Thanks you for comment

It is time to embrace Christianity with more force, every unfair fact that we see, must motivate us to fight for the true reasons that our Lord Jesus Christ warned. Blessings dear Emilio

Amen dear sister, Blessings

Jesus Himself foretold this when he prayed for His disciples in John 17. He assuredly said that the world will be hostile to us, yet, we have the assurance that He is with us always even in thick tribulations, if we do not let go of sharing the word.

Thank you Bishop EC for charging us!

Happy Sunday

Yes UY, Thanks for the good comment, Happy Sunday

If you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name.

Great post your grace...

Yes Brother, thanks

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